Fitness: Minutes Clean and Jerk
Perform 5-7 reps at the no more than the heaviest weight you used last week. Focus on each rep feeling exactly the same. If you miss 2 reps (or if they’re just sloppy), take 5-10 pounds off for the next rep.
Performance: Clean Pull + Power Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.
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5 Rounds Not For Time, or 18 Minutes:
6ea Front Rack Reverse Lunges
8 Dumbbell Bench Press (as heavy as possible)
8 Strict Toes to Bar or Floor Levers
Post time and Rx to comments.
Functional fitness, functional equipment
- Happy birthday, Todd T.!
#Throwback Thursday
Around this time in 2010, the gym got Internet access and a microwave for the first time.
Coach David asked people if they had any suggestions for the gym, and Joe W. suggested showers, an endurance program, go go dancers, and an Olympic lifting program—we now have three of the four! People also requested slam balls, a bike rack out front, and squat racks. Check.
A bunch of our members also helped out at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Open, as volunteer photographers, judges, and score runners.
Coach Whitney got double-unders for the first time.
Also, Steph P. announced that this was what she wanted to be when she grew up: “bruce springsteenastronautsports commentatorfashion designer.” Ariel K. wanted to be a dolphin, and Coach David wanted to be a professional wrestler, then a comic book artist, and his retirement plan was to become a chandelier or a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Bill Starr 1938-2015 CrossFit Journal
Human Evolution Crash Course