Power Clean and Push Jerk
Take 15 minutes to work up a bit beyond your work weight on a power clean + push jerk for the WOD.
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For Time:
550m Run
20 Clean and Jerks 135/95
40 Sit-Ups
550m Run
15 Clean and Jerks
30 Sit-Ups
550m Run
10 Clean and Jerks
20 Sit-Ups
550m Run
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Coach MeLo’s version of a recovery squat
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am, Active Recovery at 11am, or Open Gym from 2-4pm!
- New crop of LOST AND FOUND goods. Check it out.
Join Jacyln K. For an a New Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class at 7am on Tuesdays in the Upstairs Annex
Jaclyn has always had a love for fitness and overall health. She started practicing yoga as her source of recovery both physically and mentally. Her love for yoga drove her to get her first certification in 2007. Since, she has been teaching both Bikram and Vinyasa in the tri-state area. With her extensive study in many lineages of yoga, Jaclyn takes aspects from each creating a flow both challenging and accessible for everyone.
For Jaclyn, CrossFit and yoga are a brilliant team. She uses her yoga practice not only for added mobility but for strength, focus, and breath work as well. When Jaclyn works with athletes, she will gear her class around these principles while still keeping things light and fun in the same spirit that a CrossFit class has. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
When: Tuesdays at 7am
Cost: Free as part of our Unlimited Membership option, or counts as one of your regular group classes
Take a Bucket Bath at the Gym, Donate to charity: water, and Help Raise Money For Clean Water
The charity Dan G. works for, charity: water, is raising money to bring 50,000 people clean water. One of Dan’s colleagues, Julia, has circulated small yellow buckets around NYC to demonstrate how difficult it is to live under a water quota for a day. The purpose of the yellow buckets is to take a “bucket bath” where you basically fill it up with water and you can only use the water in the bucket to shower. In Ethiopia, the national standard for water is 15L per person per day for everything. The water issue is not just a lack of clean drinking water, but also a lack of water for hygiene.
Everyone who is “tagged” with the bucket (meaning you have it, do the challenge, then and hand it to someone else) is challenged to take a bucket bath or donate to Julia’s campaign.
You can do this in the showers at CFSBK! Grab the bucket from the Front Desk. Instructions are inside of the bucket or right here here.
Learn more about charity: water’s September campaign here.
Pope Francis in NYC Reuters
23-Year-Old Legless Lingerie Model Challenges Beauty Standards: “I’m Different and That Is Sexy” Cosmopolitan
9am with Melissa and David
Worked up a 205# power clean push jerk.
WOD Rx'd in 20:31.
The C&J were fast bailed singles and never felt particularly hard or heavy.
Sit-ups are evil and should be banned.
The first and last runs were fast. The two middle ones were way too slow. Should have pushed harder on those.
C&J: 63,73,83,93… Attempted 103 but it felt heavy and I was in running shoes, so I stopped after barely lifting it up.
Wod: seriously debated what weight to do. Did 63# for the power clean wod this week, figured I'd stay there since overhead is the limiting factor for me. too light. 20:08. Oh well, it was still a good workout.
I feel like I won't improve if I don't steadily increase the work load, but it's challenging to know what weight to do! I also have a fear of not being able to finish a workout because I physically can't lift the weight anymore… I need to get over that and just accept that it might be really hard and I might go really slow! :/
If 63# clean & jerks were a common core standard, I'd say I've mastered them.
Allie, you can always take weight off the bar mid workout if you literally cannot lift it anymore.
Re increasing weight/workload, I would try scaling back to 2.5-5lb increase rather than 10lb jump maybe?
Worked up to 220x1x3
WOD Rx'd in 23:09. All bailed singles.
Dropped into CFPOP with Bobby to do some accessory work after coaching….
That was the plan….and then I got convinced to CrossFit
Partner WOD for Time with Bobby:
Accumulate 40 clean & jerks (135/95)
Run or Row 1 mile each
Accumulate 40 clean and jerks (135/95)
Did this Rx and in sets of 5 alternating…drop reset because of my programming
Rowed a mile 7:28 (nice and easy)
Time : 18:57
Awful. Definitely held Rob up who even scaled up to 155 from men's Rx. Damn CrossFitters.
Things not to do after you try and push a new 1 RM last night ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Worked up to 220×1 on the power clean and push jerk. +5# from what I did last week and it felt pretty solid
WOD in 17:49 – did the C&J as singles with a quick reset. The last 5 slowed down a bit in each round, but was able to keep moving pretty well. Used the situps to catch my breath and tried to push it a little on the runs.
Then some AR, which included sled pulls!
Allie — you can try loading a bar with a heavier weight in not the most efficient way (e.g., load 83 with 15s and 10s instead of 25s) so that it's easy to strip off weight mid-WOD if you have to.
Came in for AR today and was delighted that it was as much "A" as "R" this week. Other than a quick run yesterday morning I've not exercised since Sunday and it was driving me bat-poo crazy. Felt great to do sled pulls!
11am group class:
Power Clean Push Jerk:
83, 93, 103, 113, 123, 133, 133
-the first at 133 wasn't great so I wanted to make it better. 2nd one was much better.
21:47 rx'd
-just tried to keep moving. started with multiple reps but then went to singles in the round of 15. tried to make each run a little faster the than previous one. situps are hard.
Open Gym
10 x RDL (16kg KB)
10 x goblet squats (16kg KB)
3 x kipping pull-ups
Deadlift (4@7,8,9, 4@ BO)
135 x 4, 185x 4, 205 x 4, 235 x 4, 255 x 4 (6.5) 275 x 4 (8) 280 x 4 (9), 260 x 4.
That's a PR for 4 and it felt good 🙂
Press ( 4@7,8,9,4@BO)
45 x 4, 65 x 4, 72.5 x 4 (7), 77.5 x 4 (8), 82.5 x 4 (9.5), 77.5 x 4.
And a PR for 4 🙂 Didn't feel so good haha. Press never does.
Weighted Lunges ( 3 x 12 each)
75 x 12, 95 x 12 x 3.
I have a feeling I might be sore again tomorrow. Switched to bar on back this week. Not sure if it felt better or worse. These are not fun in the slightest.
@jenny, cam, Stella: thanks! Why did I never think of that!?
2nd workout back after being sick for a week. Had to do lots of subs because of the wrists.
DL- Worked up to a heavy 5 -170
WOD – did DB thrusters with 25lb dbs. 19:21
The thrusters made me move much faster than the people who were doing the c&js but they sucked nonetheless. Had to break them up – 10,10 – 8,7 – 5, 5