Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Athletes will have 20 minutes to get through their squat session. Use the running clock to ensure you get adequate rest between work sets.
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Perform Five Rounds Not For Time of:
3 Dead start Deadlifts
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Strict Chin-ups, add weight or use assistance as necessary
Deadlifts: Work up to a heavy triple, maintain back extension.
HSPU: If 5 is easy for you, add a deficit, if 5 is too hard, minimize range of motion, if HSPUs are too challenging perform 5 strict dumbbell presses
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The Intention of Warm-Ups and a New Format for Group Classes
Classes at CFSBK often start with one of our “standardized warm-ups” which consist of three movements performed for 2-3 rounds not for time. Below is a description of the intent of these warm-ups and a new format we’re experimenting with to better accomplish these goals.
- Provide general joint and soft tissue movement prep via mobility drills and full range of motion, non-ballistic total body exercises.
- Increase heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature.
- Allow time for development and refinement of fundamental calisthenics: Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Lunges, Handstands, kipping movements etc.
- When appropriate, allow for rehersal of exercises that will be seen later in the workout.
- Provide some variance and fun
Previously, we had our standardized warm-ups preset which we would occasionally edit. If you’ve been in the gym the past two days, you’ve seen that the board has changed and instead offers three movement pool lists:
Upper Body Push
8-12 Push-Ups
8-12 Dumbbell Presses or Push Presses
4-8 Handstand Push-Ups or Wall Kick-Ups
Upper Body Pull
5-10 Strict or Kipping Pull-Ups
5-10 Ring Rows
5-10 Strict or Kipping Toes-to-Bars
Lower Body
16 Total Lunges, add extra load if desired
5-15 Barbell Front or Overhead Squats
16 Kettlebell Swings
With this format, the athlete can choose one movement from each pool and create their own standardized warm-up based on how they feel that day. As always, the coach may suggest a particular triplet or assign a specific warm-up including elements not included on the base pools to provide more variance or workout specific movement prep into the warm-up. Give the new format a shot and let us know what you think!
Pavel M wants you to check out his startup
Hey everyone, fellow CFSBKer Pavel M Here. I wanted to let you know that the startup I’ve been working at has finally launched to the public! You may have read about Jet in the past few months. It’s truly a disruptive new approach to online shopping that results in shoppers saving 10-15% on average versus any other online shopping destination by allowing merchants to bid on your shopping basket in real-time, behind the scenes, ensuring you always receive the very best prices from the most efficient source.
I’ve gone ahead and made the promo code “CROSSFITSBK” for everyone in CFSBK, which is good for anyone who enters it at checkout until 8/4/2015. And for an entertaining glimpse into how Jet works, check out the video we made with Portlandia and Silicon Valley actor, Kumail Nanjiai. Click here!
Are you an SBKer with new projects or exciting announcements you want to get the word out about? Email David (AT) for blog consideration!
Our Warm-Up is Our Warm-Up Cathletics