Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 82.5% x 1 x 2, Front Squat 82.5% x 1 x 2
*Numbers based off recent 1RM.
Back Squat: 2 x 4, Front Squat 2 x 4
*Use same load at Exposure 1.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3/16
Every Minute on the Minute, For 15 Minutes:
1. 12 Burpees
2. 12 Pull-Ups
3. 12 Calorie Row
Perform the required reps as fast as possible and rest the remainder of the minute until transitioning to the next movement. Scale the number of reps/cals as required as to get them done no later than the 40 second mark of each minute.
Post reps per minute and Rx to comments.
When teaching multiple classes, often with new people, writing everyone’s name down during the QOD helps the coaches learn new people’s names and reinforce long-term recollection. CFSBK: Where everyone knows your name!
Holiday Schedule Changes
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm
CANCELLED: 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Normal Open Gym hours
Friday (12/25) CHRISTMAS:
ON: 9am* (extra class), 10am
CANCELLED: all other classes, including CrossFit Kids
Saturday (12/26):
Normal Schedule
CANCELLED: Yoga for Athletes
Sunday (12/27):
Normal Schedule
CANCELLED: CrossFit Preschool
Thursday (12/31) New Year’s Eve:
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Normal Open Gym hours
Friday (1/1) New Year’s Day:
ON: 11am*(extra class), 12pm, 1pm, Open Gym from 3:30-8:30pm
CANCELLED: 6/7/8/10am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Evening Open Gym hours only
2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Check List
Are you participating in the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? Complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos here. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results. This WOD will be programmed on December 30th, but can easily be performed on your own at Open Gym.
- Begin tracking points earned daily on the spreadsheet (which will be live soon!) based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines and submit 4 and 8 week check-in submissions.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. The dates for these sessions are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, and 3/18.
Have You Ordered Your 2016 Dog Calendar Yet?
The 2016 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a cash donation of $25 or more. A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym but they are sure to run out quick. Never fear, you can place your order by filling out this online form, or sign up at the Front Desk. Pre-paying at the Front Desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas Day. Email breebree [at] (the superstar behind the calendar!) for any questions.
Unclimbable SB Nation
HBBS – 260x1x2
FSQ – 225x1x2
Both felt nice and light
Metcon was a fun one. Stayed pretty consistent throughout; burpees in around 25"; pull-ups in 15"; and row in about 20". It got pretty tough to maintain that pace by the end though.
6am on a foggy morning with the Foxes
HBBS – 260 x 1 x 2
FSQ – 225 x 1 x 2
I'm still rehabbing a leg injury but this felt surprisingly good.
Metcon: This was a fun one. I stayed pretty consistent as well, worked side-by-side with DanL. Burpees in 15-18 sec, pullups in 15, row under 30 every time (20 – 28). Kept everything unbroken, hit the gas on the burpees for the last two rounds to get extra rest.
7am with the Foxes
HBBS: 170x1x2 (83%)
FS: 140x1x2 (82.3%)
slogged through the wod this morning.
my hands were super sore from yesterday's AG so i did banded strict pullups 4-5 per round with a blue band.
Deficit Deadlift
Incline Reverse Curl Ups
Pallof Holds
Red Band x 30s ea x 4
Everything happened but it didn't feel great. Not used to training as early.
Almost called 911 when I saw Michael's last 12 burpees during the 6am, I thought he was having a seizure.
@ fox I literally laughed out loud at my desk re: Michael's burpees.
Last call for the dog calendar! You can sign up in the link on the blog or in person at the gym. I'm placing the final order Friday, so if you haven't ordered yet- please do so!! PS- my apologies to all the dogs that weren't featured this year- but there is always next year!
Vacation = loving adequate sleep + early lifting sessions
WU: 3Rounds
5 KB windmills
10 prone PVC presses
50' contralateral OH KB carry
Snatch Complex
Power Snatch + Snatch + Snatch
37kg x 2
39kg x 2
Clean Pull:
65kg x 5 x 4 (woof)
60% x 8
65% x 8
70% x 6
75% x 6 x 2
….woof, feed me.
V Ups 3×15
LBBS – 200 x 1 x 2
FSQ – 165 x 1 x 2
Moved well – singles are quick and easy. Need to be careful to not go too low.
WOD: Stayed with 12 burpees and 12 calories throughout. Thought I would try to scale to 6 pull ups per round, but had no rhythm today in my kip (the past few weeks I feel like I have lost it). Very frustrating. Ended up doing just 4 for the first two rounds, then 3, then just a kip swing to try to get back in the motion. A skill to refocus on for the new year.
OG stuff
Bench Press: 160x5x2, 160x8x1
Weighted pull-ups: 25x5x3
Weighted Dips: 25x5x2, 25x8x1
Have a good one y'all. We'll see you next week.
HBBS: 4 sets: 10,8,6,4 reps: 165,185,195,215
FSQ: 4x5x135,145,155,155
5 rounds
10 GHDs
2 Strict Pull-ups
Shoulder is still twitchy but these were my first Pull-ups in 8 months! Still wouldn't dare try any kipping or butterfly, but at least I made it back before 2016.
Deadlift: 3x5x 225,255,295
5 rounds
20cal Row
10 Burpees
Merry Christmas!
Feeling decidedly ungood today so just did my skwatz:
Hbbs 250x4x2
Fsq 235x4x2
Not sure why I chose those numbers last week, but 250 was relatively light and 235 (just under 80%) was medium hard. Raise the hbbs, lower the fsq, or leave everything as is as reps increase? At least this way I know I'll have energy left for fsq.
Crossfit question: why are RXs typically listed as weights instead of % 1rms or 3rms? I can see in competition you need a fixed standard for everyone, but for a training response it seems like you would want to create a particular stimulus (perceived effort per rep)? The way it is now, a barbell heavyworkout like DT at RX must be a totally different experience depending on your relative hugeness.
4:30 with Arturo and Noah
HBBS @ 180
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
180 x 4
180 x 4
Felt good. I've been working on using my hips to power through the middle of the lift and it felt like it was working.
FS @ 170
170 x 4
170 x 4
This felt a bit too heavy. I should scale back to 160 or 165. Huge thanks to Arturo who helped me find a better position in the front rack and made my torso a lot more stable and helped me lead with my elbows.
WOD – Subbed ring rows for pull-ups
Rounds 1 through 3 were okay, but 4 and 5 sucked. My shoulder blades still feel burnt from Monday's OH work and Sunday's pull-ups (which I scaled to banded).
@ Dave P: Excellent question…That's why we discuss scaling at the whiteboard. Different athletes are able to handle different percentages of their 1RM for reps, so it's impossible to prescribe a percentage of a 1RM as Rx'd for most WODs. Percentage of bodyweight isn't even a great way to standardize. In the end, prescribed loads are the most consistent standard. As a few peers, colleagues, and coaches have told me…"The universe doesn't care how much you weigh". Sometimes, one should go outside the comfort zone and Rx (or go heavier than comfortable) a workout. Most times, one should scale load/volume/degree of difficulty to achieve the intended stimulus of the WOD so as to be performing workouts that are varying in intensity and volume, as is the goal of any good CF/GPP program. For the most part, they should be:
Heavy/Fast (Intense)
Medium/Medium (Moderately Intense)
Light/Long (Low Intensity/Slog)
There are of course exceptions. Every now and then it' s mixed up a bit but that's the rule we usually go by.
Thanks for the explanation Fox!
Warm up x3
10 push ups
10 ring rows
10 front squats 45#
HBBS 82.5% : 165 x 1 x 2
FSQ 82.5% : 130 x 1 x 2
15 min AMRAP
Tough to get all 12 cals on the rows but I knew I had to or I'd get the disappointed verging on disgusted look from McDiez. Really glad I stuck with it. I got a second wind at the end.
6:30 with Noah and Melo
LBBS 82.5% : 240 x 1 x 2
FSQ 82.5% : 170 x 1 x 2
I sometimes lean to my right coming up out of back squats and not sure why. My knees dont cave in just everything shifts to the right like its dominate, I dunno.
WOD – Scaled pullups to 4 per round trying to be strict as my hands are tender from AG last night.The burpees went well the first two rounds then took me almost the whole minute to do during the last 3 rounds.