Ring Dips (or Close DB Bench Press)
Tempo Ring Dips (32X1):
4 x 6-12 Strict, 1 x Max Reps
Perform 4 sets across to 2 reps shy of failure, then 1 max effort set to failure. Perform a full range of motion on all reps. Rest as needed between sets. Goal is to add total reps each week by increasing the sets across and/or the max set.
Tempo Close Dumbbell Bench Press (32X1):
4 x 6-12, 1 x Max Reps
Perform 4 sets across to 2 reps shy of failure, then 1 max effort set to failure. Rest as needed between sets. Start with a load that feels almost easy for 12 reps. Keep elbows in close to mimic the bottom of a dip.
The tempo note (32X1) means control the eccentric (down) portion for a 3 count, pause at the bottom for a 2 count, contract concentrically (up) as fast as possible, then hold the top for a 1 count before beginning the next rep.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Burpees
12 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ryan H. swings, American style, under red, white, and blue skies | Photo by Thomas H.
Win a Free Entry to the Brooklyn Rugged Maniac Race on June 25th!
Looking for an adventure? How about a day filled with 25 epic obstacles, rockin’ music, and plenty of beer? If this sounds good, you’re in luck: we’re offering 4 free entries to the upcoming Rugged Maniac race in Brooklyn on June 25th!
What Is It?
Here’s how Rugged Maniac describes the race: “Remember when you were a kid and you used to run around outside with your friends climbing trees, jumping in puddles, playing tag, and just plain having fun? Well Rugged Maniac is simply an adult version of that! We build 25+ epic obstacles for you and your friends to play on (like fire jumps, water slides, trampolines, and underground tunnels), put them in a 3-mile course, and then throw a crazy party with plenty of beer and music!”
Why Should I Enter?
Well, first, it’ll be fun! Second, as a Rugged Maniac competitor, you’ll have the chance to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Finally, the 4 winners will have the honor of representing Team CFSBK at the race!
How Do I Enter?
1. Check in at the Front Desk and complete the Rugged Maniac WOD (see below). All CFSBKers with an active membership are eligible.
2. Have a Front Desker or a fellow CFSBKer take a picture of you doing the WOD. Post the pic to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter along with your time. Tag both CFSBK and Rugged Maniac in your post!
3. Your name will be entered into a drawing, the results of which will be announced on this here blog on Monday, May 16th.
Assault Bike 50 Calories
1 lap around the block with a sandbag
Men’s and women’s Rx sandbags will be stored near the entry at 608. Ask the Front Desk if you have trouble finding them.
Questions? Contact Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com.
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