High Hang Clean and Jerk
Every minute on the minute x 10:
High Hang Clean + Jerk
Keep these on the light and crisp side today, like an easy drinking pilsner.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
24 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Box Jumps 24/20″
The swings should on the light end and ideally unbroken. A standard two-foot take-off is the Rx for the Box Jumps. Consider stepping all of these down today and alternating legs.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The Subway Series is one of our most exciting events of the year. Don’t miss out!
This Sunday: The Subway Series Returns to CFSBK!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The second event of the year will take place right here at CFSBK this Sunday, August 21st. The action kicks off at noon.
As a result, we’ll only be offering 8, 9, and 10am group classes. Everything else, including Active Recovery and Anti-Gravity, will be cancelled. Come for class in the morning, stay to watch your fellow CFSBKers throw down in the afternoon!
Interested in helping out? We still need volunteers to judge, keep score, set up, and break down. Contact David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with “SS Volunteer” in the subject line and let him know what categories you would like to volunteer in and what hours you’re available. As a bonus, CFSBK will be providing some light refreshments for all volunteers.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: BSQ / FSQ | Run, Pull-Ups, Burpees
Buns of Steel: Are Your Glutes Working Properly? Break Parallel
The Language of Dogs Paris Review
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever Kurzgesagt
High hang clean + Jerk: Started at 103 and ended at 123. One fail at the 8th rep (118) where I just wasn't getting my elbows around fast enough, which was a common theme throughout. Something to work on.
WOD: 10 rounds even, Rx. This is a little engine that could workout for me- just "I think I can, I think I can" with every rep and round.
Banded pullups with a pause at the top: 4×6
Assault bike Tabata: 48 cal
Reverse Tabata: 31 cal
6am – McDowell and Jess
C&J: worked up to 85kg and then dropped down for a couple. Ro gave me a good pointer about the setup of the high hang that made all of the difference.
Metcon: 7 rounds + 27 reps. Broke up the swings after the 4th round– grip got fried. Wish there were more box jumps, so easy.
8:30 pm last night with MeLo
Squats: 255x2x2
Front Squats: 205x2x2
Metcon: 13:14 Rx'd. Successfully did all the pullups in groups of 2-5, which is great practice for me. Otherwise, just tried to keep moving.
Very happy to be back to Squat/Front Squat days.
6am with McD and Jess Fox
HH Clean + Jerk EMOM: 205 was probably on the upper end of what I should be doing for a High Hang EMOM. Got pretty heavy for the last few.
Metcon: 7rds + 1kb swing. All swings unbroken except 2 rounds for sweaty grip reasons. Box jumps were all step downs because I like my achilles tendons just the way they are.
730pm last night
BSQ : 2×2 #255
FSQ : 2×2 #205
Easy enough, curious to see how this feels in a few weeks.
WOD : RX 10:54
Runs ranged from 1:15-1:30
PUs 15/8-7/6-5-4…. kept losing my kip on the final round
Burpees slow per usual
6am with Jess and McD
HHC&J emom – had a quick pointer from McDowell to stay mid foot instead of on my toes for the jerk right at the start and all rounds moved really well.
135, 145, 155×2, 165×2, 175×2, 185×2
WOD – 8R + 30 reps
KBS all unbroken. BJs 2-3 step down, then bounding.
Fun burner
7 am with McDowell and Jess
HH Clean & Jerk – worked up to 83 and stayed there to really use the high hang to work on getting under. Apparently I'm letting my knees cave on the dip when I jerk so I'll focus more on that. These all stayed crisp. WOD – 2 reps shy of 6 even. Still having trust issues with the 20" box and feel like I really have to set up for each one, which of course slows me down. KBS all unbroke.
8 a.m. w/Christian Fox & the Carlist Regime (Charles, Charlie, Carlos, and yours truly).
HH C&J EMOM: 135 throughout. Focused on those fast elbows. Some janky mechanics on the jerk at times — plenty of stuff to work on next week. EMOM C&J work is cardio in disguise.
Metcon: 6 rds + 30 reps, Rx'ed. Swings all unbroken, but started taking longer breaks before going back to the bell after round 3. One side definitely more coordinated than the other in stepping down from the box.
Worked up to 93# on the C&J, cleans felt great when I dialed in and sat back into the heels. Last jerk was soft moving. Per Jess, need to really drive with the arms instead of just letting the bar 'float' up ๐
WOD with 16 in box and 20kg bell
7 rounds + 12 swings – fun and sweaty!
7am with JessDowell
C+J EMOM – up to 70kg
Hit that weight the last 4 rounds, with one miss where my body just brain farted on what to do from the high hang. Such an awkward position for me.
Metcon Rx – 7rds + 1
Box jumps got a little sluggish. Swings unbroken less a break in round 6 where I ripped halfway through. Fuggin rips.
6am with Jess and McDowell
HH C&J – 135×2, 145×5, 155×3
Thought these were going alright until McD said they look good except you are leaning towards the mid hang before you pull. He had me just go straight into the clean the second I bent my knees which helped me from leaning forward. I really suck at high hang cleans. Jerks were easy since it never got heavy.
WOD: 7 + 6 Rx. Sweaty. Guessing my shirt weighed 1# today. KB swings all unbroken.
Day 2 at Flagship CF
Back rack reverse lunge 4-4-4-4-4
Worked up to 215 – I'm pretty bad at these
11 minute AMRAP of
5 DL 135
3 S2O 135
1 burpees over the bar
22 rounds plus 2 DL – nowhere to hide on this one
8am with Fox
Worked up to 108# on the clean and jerk. I love EMOM work and I also love high hang cleans. Everything I mess up happens before that point so I enjoyed this today!! Jerks were mostly good too.
AMRAP 12 mins
24 x KB swings
12 x box jumps
9 rounds, 24 swings Rx.
Couldn't catch Kayleigh though I came closer than I expected!!
10 AM class with Jess.
EMOM cleans (no jerk): 135×3, 145×3, 155×2, 160×1, 165×1
WOD: 6 rounds + 13 swings. RxD. Holy moly, this was sweaty. On the plus side, my shirt came off.
MU drills:
Hollow rocks 5×20
Ring pull-ups 5×5 (w false grip)
Jumping MUs 5×5
Seated MUs 5×3
GHD sit-ups 4×10
I will get that damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn strict MU (this cycle)
@Chris: Are those 'damn's additive or multiplicative? Once that is settled, you really should use a more efficient notation.
Noon class with Jess. Worked up to 88# on the high hang clean & jerk complex, which felt good enough for today.
6 rounds + 26 reps on the WOD rx. Still feeling pretty low-energy and cautious during met-cons. And tbh I'm still sore from Karen on Sunday which is probably a pretty good indication of my current fitness level.
Assault Bike 10 mins max cals
Butterfly pull-up practice
8 am with Fox and The Carlists
after starting my pull-up pyramid.
73# on all 10 rounds. my jerks are not my best work.
6 rounds plus 25 reps on the no skill wod RX-
I forgot to eat before class and I really felt it
off to the beach for a week!
6:30 class
HH Clean + Jerk
All reps at 187lbs
Felt pretty snappy
WOD Rx'd
6 Rounds
Broke up all the swings after the first round. High rep KB swings have been lighting my back up lately so I went 15+9 for the next 5 rounds. i can't believe K. Rose got 10 rounds. What an engine!
C&J. Worked up to 98
WOD RX: 8 rounds + 35 reps. Sooooo close to an even 9!
Sweaty one!
I'm trying out lots of fitness as compared to minimal fitness to see if it yields greater results.
Day 2 of lots of fitness:
3 rounds:
1 C2B pull up hold :02 and negative :05 (hands really sensitive waaa)
5 hollow hold 5# plates overhead to sides
6 ea 45# front rack reverse lunges from 8" box
10-15 push up variations
5 rounds:
1 Chest to Rings false grip pull up hold :10
3 Banded transitions low rings
3 dips (2-1)
7 min Assault Bike — 1:00 80% (around 60 RPM) 1:00 rest = 79 cals 2.6 miles
5 min rest
7 min Assault Bike same as above
Jerk footwork drills, Light Rack Jerks: 33 x 5, 63 x 5, 73 x 3 x 3
Hang Clean + Jerk: 10 min EMOM
93, 103, 103, 108, 108, 113, 113, 118, 118, 123
12 min AMRAP: 24 KB 16kg, 12 Box Jumps 20" – 7 rounds plus 6 I THINK
4 showers today!
5:30pm class:
HH Clean & split jerk
55kg, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 64, 64, 66, 66, 68, 68
-fun to partner with Whit on this! my last jerk at 68kg (149.6#) felt the best.
Got 5 rounds even at the 6:00 mark and called it.
-KBS and box jumps are always a rough combo for my back and it was definitely lit. I know I would not have been able to get another 5 rounds in like Energizer Bunny Kayleigh, so props to her for killing this!
Rushed out of class to shower and then head over to CrossFit Kingsborough with MeLo to guest coach a CF Ladies night for them. Lots of fun and apparently needed since they don't have any female coaches!
I lied- I used 16 kg kb
Snuck in some lifting tonight! So glad I did.
HH Clean & Split Jerk. (kilos)
55kg, 55, 58, 60, 63, 64, 64, 66, 68, 60
-hese are based off Lady Fox's numbers from above but I think I repeated 55kg twice to start out and then we started throwing plates on. wahoo!
-Moral of tonight's story = lifting with other people is almost always better for me than lifting alone. I thought I would go up to about 130-135# today, but just kinda let Jess take the lead and things were feeling sharp so I didn't overthink or second guess. add weight and GO!
-68kg (149.6#) is 93% of my best clean and 86% of my best jerk. stoked to have hit that from the high hang!
-Focused on staying tight in the catch; squats were a bit of a grind, but getting better. Kept the rep at 68kg really close b/c the one before was out in front and I knew I wouldn't be able to chase it.
Yeah seriously, GO Kayleigh. INSANE! I don't know how you do it!!!
98# on C & J for 3 reps. High Hang feels harder for me for some reason, but Whit said it looked really vertical. Back leg needs to bend more.
Goal was 9 rounds: Made 8 rounds + 33… 3 measley reps away from an even 9! I feel you, Jenny!
Solid AR class. Thursday night AR is the perfect way to welcome the weekend ๐
Also, Samir, you crack me up!
And taking a procrastinating moment or two to read the comments today, people are killing it!
C&J: worked up to 108. Still not vertical on my third pull but working on it.
WOD: 8 rounds Rx'd
The swings fatigued my shoulders and box jumps were just slow.