CrossFit Kids racing toward the weekend
This Week at CFSBK in Review
What happened this week? Good question!
1. Coach Melo and Coach Katie’s graduation WOD/party is tomorrow at 2pm. Come one and all to help them celebrate their doctorhood!
2. What lift are we doing on Wednesdays now? How will we approach the Olympic lifts this cycle? All of the answers are in our new training cycle template.
3. Coach David let us in on some ancient secrets regarding ankle mobilization. Well, they’re not ancient, but they’re useful. They’re also not secrets anymore.
4. Rytas S. left us and had some nice things to say. Bon voyage, Rytas!
5. Have you thought about trying out 9am yoga with Jaclyn K.? Now’s your chance! She’s offering a free class on Thursday, June 23rd.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Push Press, Pull-Ups, Run
The Greek Hero at the Gym Wall Street Journal
Sara Sigmundsdottir Does “Grace” at 200lbs BarBend