Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 12 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week
Back Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Front Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Every other exposure is a de-load, so these should feel light.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 16
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
The barbell weight should be light. Baller status for doing the 40 reps on the bar unbroken for even one round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Melody W. recently dropped into CrossFit 716 during a trip home to Buffalo! Her impressions: “It’s a great gym, the coach was super nice, and the other members were very welcoming, especially these ladies who I partnered with on the WOD”
- Schedule Change: Tomorrow’s 9:00am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
The Artist Room: Martha Graham Cracker
A note from Adam S. on what sounds like an not-to-be-missed event:
The Artist Room with Martha Graham Cracker
Wednesday, 9/7 – 7pm & 9pm
Saturday, 9/10 – 7pm & 9pm
Do You Have to Be Fit to Start CrossFit? CrossFit
Foot Movement in the Olympic Lifts: Middle-Top-Middle Catalyst Athletics
DJ Flash says
6am with McDowell and Ro
BSquat: 255# x 2 x 2. Moved well, partnered with DanG and Scott for some great banter.
FSquat: 205# x 2 x 2. The banter was strong during this one too.
Metcon: 12:50 Rx. Did first two rounds unbroken, last one was 10/10 on both movements. Row was 2:15 per round. My forearms are toasted.
Stella says
OG, more ladders!
This was not nearly as hard as Monday's squat ladder. 140 felt so good! Can't wait to test 1RM on Tuesday.
Deadlift 255×5. I worked like hell for it but it moved, which means I'm at or pretty close to where I was pre-Iron Maidens. YAY!
Superset x3 of:
6 chinups (couldn't do any of them unbroken, thanks deadlifts!)
DB press 25×10
Two recommendations:
1) come to pub quiz tonight! 8:30 at the Rock Shop. Brainz n Gainz would like to turn our first win into a streak.
2) "The Hero's Body" by William Giraldi — it's a memoir that's half about bodybuilding and half about coming to grips with the death of a parent. One doesn't normally think about bodybuilders being deeply introspective, but Giraldi very much is, and he writes about his experience beautifully.
DHTaco3 says
People there is a movement to get tacos BACK on the leaderboard….
Josh S. says
20 people is more of a cult than it is a movement, but hey that's how Jesus got started
michele says
DHTaco3 says
Josh, if you dont sign this petition, you're rejecting jesus.
Josh S. says
pls change your blog name to Taco Jesus
Jaime C says
First time posting here! Seemed like as good of a time to start as any.
Back squat: 105, 2×12. Finding that twelve reps is equal parts mental and physical endurance.
Front squat: 85, 2×12.
Metcon finished in 19:55, 52#. Found that there weren't an enough ergs AFTER the countdown had started, so I ran for the first round (to 3rd ave to 4th ave and back) … in my lifting shoes!
Sean says
830 last night
BS : 2×2 # 255
FS : 2×2 #205
These were easy and they needed to be bc the metcon was brutal
Metcon 19:06 RX
Holy balls this was hard. Rows roughly 2:05-2:15 for all 3. Cleans 13/7, 8/7/5, 8/7/5. OHS 15/5, 12/8, 11/9.
Cleans were probably the toughest for me. My forearms were smoked after round 1. Disappointed I couldn't get the OHS unbroken for atleast 1 round. You know its a bad one when you consider rowing 500m as active recovery.
Brian says
Back squat: 2×12 @165
Front squat: 2×8 @150
Up #5 on both of these from last week. Feeling good.
Scaled to 75#, but even with that my wrists weren't cool with the OH squats. Did the first round OH then 2 rounds with front squats. Still enough to give me a hell of a workout. 17:44
Ben Lock says
Make up post from Monday and Tuesday 5:30 classes
DL 3×5 @ 295
HSPU 8/8/12
These all felt good, will move to some deficit next week
WOD rx'ed in 11:08
No place to hide on this one
BS 2×2 @ 225
FS 2×2 @200
These all felt good and quick enough
WOD rx'ed in 14:40
Rows all around 2-2:10
20+20 unbroken
Rounds 2 and 3 were done in 3 total sets.
My body is so very angry at me, not working out for 2+ weeks while on vacation and coming back to Monday and Tuesday's workouts has been rough! My body is so sore today so I'm going to be stretching and hobbling around at work the rest of the day.
Taco Jesus says
And on the 7th day the lord commanded Tacos.
Burrito Muhammad says
*Rolls eyes*
Mexican Food Unitarian Universalist says
Can't we all just coexist?
Matt Katz says
DH3 said that he'll buy everyone free tacos if we sign the petition
Fox says
10am class
Paused 1st rep
Paused 1st rep
WOD Rx'd in 18:23
Brutal. HPCs were easy but got my heart rate jacked. OHS were tough.
Taco Jesus is a false messiah. There should be an AMRAP tacos in a week. I would win that shit.
Taco Buddha says
To exist without tacos is to suffer. But to desire tacos is problematic. I honestly don't have any easy answers here. Just throwing it into the mix.
Taco Jesus says
Fox, I thought there was nothing in the world that would disappoint me more than not playing softball at Red Hook. I was wrong. Your lack of faith in the Taco movement will not go unnoticed.
For the record, if we win the petition, and get 100 signatures, I will buy tacos for everyone who signed at FGB.
lady fox says
10am group class with Jeremy.
Hbbs: (33×10, 95×5, 135×3) 155x12x2
Fsq: 135x8x2
-both still moving well and will likely make another 10# jump on both next week.
14:24 rx'd
-tough one! Rows in 2:06, 2:16, 2:26
-cleans in 20, 20, 12-8. Wanted to go unbroken but hands were very sweaty and barbell started slipping.
-dropped the bar after the cleans and then snatched the barbell up. Went 20, 12/8, then 20. Knew that if I wanted to get close to Kayleigh's time I had to go unbroken. That hurt.
Cash out… Rockaway beach of course!
Dan G. says
6am with McDowell and Ro
BSquat: 255# x 2 x 2. Easy, but McDowell said I was high on some, so I'll have to watch that.
FSquat: 205# x 2 x 2. Easy, and low.
Metcon: 13:50 Rx. First round unbroken, 2nd and 3rd as 12/8 for both movements. Rows at 16-17 spm and a long walk to barbell let me start each barbell round relatively fresh.
Shawn says
7 am with McDowell and Ro and I was feeling kinda bad about it because I battled rough seas yesterday followed by a no-joke AG class followed by a few drinks followed by a quick sleep and then all like "good morning deload day" (2×2 115) but then blah on the wod (12:43 42#/FS) cuz I'm spent and my back hurts a bit but now I feel better because my honest, true answer to the QOD was chorizo tacos and Ro treated so they were extra good.
Can I get an amen?
Jenny M says
5:30 class
HBBS 165x2x2
FS 135x2x2
WOD RX in 18:41. Oof! Sweaty and slow.
Whit H says
5:30 class, kinda…
RIGHT HIP IS ON THE FRITZ. staying positive and being patient, at least this week.
6 each, one arm high pull @ 40#
:30 close handstand hold
10 beat swings
10 each, one leg box hammy curl / glute bridge /wahatver it's called (:02 pause top)
:12 L sit on low boxes, straight legs
WOD: thought I could get away with the OHS at a light weight, but tested it out before we started and i was WRONG. painful in front/deep hip. also, there were no more 15# plates, so I called an audible, scaled up a bit, and did this:
500m row
20 hang power clean @ 72#
20 push press @ 72#
Time: 15:24
rows: 2:05, 2:22, 2:20?
hpc: 14-6, 10-8-2, 10-7-3
PP: straight in from last set of cleans: 10-10, 8-7-5, 8-6-4
bummed I couldn't tackle this as written. love me some OHS.
15 min cool down/stretch
Allie B says
HBBS: 2×12 107.5
Front squat: 2×8 90#
WOD: 17:53? 52#. This was hard! Everything broke up 9-7-5. And I just realized I did 21 reps of everything every round. I love math!