This week, Mary and Dmitry welcomed Kai Mazilo, a beautiful baby boy, into the world. Mary trained at CFSBK throughout her pregnancy, and we couldn’t be happier for the Mazilo family!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. This Monday, Labor Day, we’ll be running on a modified schedule. We’ll have group classes on the hour at 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am and 12:00pm, with Open Gym Membership also happening during that time. Evening classes are cancelled. Enjoy the long weekend!
2. The deadline to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2016 is also this Monday, September 5th! Have you registered yet? Well, get after it!
3. Kate R. is working on a photography project about people who are LGBTQ and Catholic. She is taking peoples’ portraits and would love to hear a bit about their faith and what they wrestle with in the Church. Does this describe you or someone you know? You can see Kate’s work here and can contact her at katharinereece [at]
4. Taco Jesus (aka, DH3) is also working on a project… of sorts. He started a petition to get Most Tacos Eaten back on the leaderboard. He’s already reached the 50-signature threshold to restore Tacos to the leaderboard and rectify this injustice. Rest easy: CFSBK is once again an unsafe space for tacos. Help him reach his goal of 100 signatures! He’s promised to buy everyone who signs a taco at Fight Gone Bad, so it’s more of a petition to bankrupt Taco Jesus now.
5. Speaking of the leaderboard, it has been revised. Here’s what we changed.
6. Adam S. is producing a fun event called The Artist Room: Martha Graham Cracker. If you like immersive theater and drag performances, this is the show for you! Go here for more details and ticket info.
7. Last but not least, in the return of Behind the Desk, we profiled new front desker Toni S. We’ll be introducing you to the rest of our new front desk staff over the coming weeks!
8. PSA: The parking signs on Degraw have changed, and the NYPD has been ticketing more aggressively. Be sure to check the signs when you park, especially near the dialysis center close to 3rd Avenue!
What It Means to “Live Like and Artist” in New York The Awl
How Top Strongwoman Athletes Are Already Outlifting Some Male Athletes BarBend
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2×5 LP
FSQ 2×3 LP
Heavier than last week
BSQ & FSQ: 70% x 5 x 2
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 16
9 Rounds for Time:
9 Push-Ups
6 Box Jumps 24/10"
3 Deadlifts 225/155
Scale Push-Ups to elevated or knees as needed. Barbell weight should be medium-heavy for you and unbroken throughout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
David/Josh – modify the link you posted please! It's an admin link, not a regular one for us proles.
And while you're at it, please delete any comment I might have accidentally made while masquerading as you. I was only there for the free taco.
Hi everyone!! Yes please be careful about parking and watch the signs!! It's the dialysis center near brooklyn boulders close to third! Saw yesterday (Thursday) TWO cars get towed in one day (11am and 4:30pm) not members but let's keep it that way!
Also cannot wait to meet Kai!!!! Also cannot wait for tacos from Taco Jesus!
7am w/McDowell doing Sat
BSQ 145x5x2
FSQ 125x5x2
Metcon @185# 9:10. Thought I moved pretty quickly, those sub 7 times are seriously impressive.
Congrats Mary and Dima! Can't wait to meet Kai and AMRAP snuggle him!
Mary was such a badass and trained at CFSBK up until Friday night before giving birth to Kai early Sunday morning. She was also doing double unders which still impresses me to no end. Can't wait to see her and the whole family back at the gym when they're ready!
6am with McDowell and Joy
HBBS 225 x 5 x 2
FSQ 195 x 5 x 2
Felt good. Nice to get a little more volume in at this lighter %
WOD in 7:41 Rx. Was stuck in a low gear compared to the rest of the 6am crew who lapped me multiple times.
mary!!! congratulations!! he is beautiful and surely very, very strong.
Congrats Mary and Dmitry! Such a cute little guy!
Nearly my last day of OG before I come back to group class. I'm wistful and excited at the same time.
HBBSQ 200x2x4. I think I missed depth on rep 2 of set 3, and hit it on all the others. I need, as Professor Moody would say, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
Paused bench 120x3x3. This went fine!
Then I did tabata on the erg. I CAN ROW! Rowing was a no go a couple of weeks after surgery, so I hadn't tried it since then. Wrist has been feeling strong so I gave it a go and I'm delighted that it worked!
7am with McDowell
BS – 165# x 5 x 2
FS – !40# x 5 x 2
Starting to feel less easy on the back. Fronts moved fast.
Metcon Rx – 8:21
Getting better at pushups. Was able to get through the first 5 rounds unbroken, where I normally fall apart after the third at comparable set volumes.
10 x 2 GHDs. Third round wasn't happening.
Today's work:
shoulder, hamstring and ankle mobility
3-2-1-1-1 pull-up pyramid
8 AM with Melissa and Katie (with outstanding banter)
doing Thursday's work:
Push-press, power jerk, Split jerk:
4 rounds of the NFT work with 24kg kettle bells for the carry and 12.5# for the DL.
1 min max calories on the assault bike after class last night- what a joke. As DO called, first 20 seconds felt good and tough before promptly falling off a cliff. Last 40 seconds were deeply miserable. 28 cals. Excited to retest this every so often.
6am with McD for Saturday
BSQ 225x5x2
FSQ 205x5x2
WOD – 5:24 Rx
Push-ups had to break up the last 3 rounds 6-3
Everything else moved well
BK & Dan put on a show this morning
Congrats Mary and Dmitry!!!
congrats to the happy family!!!!!
Congrats Mary and Dmitry!
6am with McDowell and a special guest WOD intro from Joy
HBBS – 235x5x2 – Moved well. Still feeling nice and light
FS – 195x5x2 – Also moved well
Metcon in 4:44 Rx'd
Super small 6am doing Thursday's workout
Press/Jerk complex up to 135# but bailed the split jerk, pushing myself forward with back leg. Weird that I'd push press ok, but bail the split, but IDK, balance.
Accessory stuff: Contralateral Romanian thingy was awkward. Tempo chin ups were challenging.
Saturday's workout didn't look fun. I would rather have not seen the preview before going in for it tomorrow. 😉
11 am at Southern Tier Crossfit in Binghamton
Worked up to 260, a new one-rep max by 5.
10 minutes for time
5 X 135 front squats
10 ghd sit-ups
15 calorie rows
Completed a fourth round of front squats and sit-ups. BUT I had to wait every round for the rower – they were all shared.
Congrats Mary and Dmitri!
Yesterday 8am with Fox
Push Press + Push Jerk + Jerk
Worked up to 125# which is a push press PR. I had more.
NFT- 4 rounds- blue and white KB for RDLs, 5 x tempo chin-ups and with the red KB for farmer's carry.
Worked on the snatch and clean complexes for Flex afterwards.
Managed 100# on the snatch complex which was awesome. Could not for the life of me manage to clean 135#. I was pulling really high but freaking out every time and not getting my elbows around. There is no reason for this and it's really frustrating.
Today 8am with KHarpz.
195 x 5 x 2
165 x 5 x 2
6:52 Rx
Not a whole lot to say about this one except that the push-ups were what slowed me down.
Congratulations, Mary and Dmitri!!!!!!
Dmitry 🙂
Dead stop front squats 2 every 2 mins for 14 mins
For time
15 Mus
20 Thrusters@135
30 Cals Assault bike
Thanks for the love Crossfit South Brooklyn!!! We can't wait to bring Kai to the box! And Jenny M – I have a feeling your cuddle game is strong.