Split Squat / Bench Press Superset*
A1) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 12e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet style.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 12
Start at a moderate load and aim to increase through 8 weeks. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
*Warm up and then perform a set on each leg of Split Squats, followed by a set of Bench Presses. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
40 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
20 Burpees
10 Pull-Ups
Try to maintain an aggressive pace on this short chipper. All sets should be on the quick side and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Photo by Thomas H.
New Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 7/3/17 – Su 9/3/17
Crush Week: M 9/4/17 – Su 9/10/17
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting September 11th
Goals: To continue building muscle and tendon strength with tempo work on the slow lifts, including weekly unilateral work, and complexes on the Olympic lifts. Conditioning work will be couplets and triplets. One day each week will have dedicated skill work prior to a longer WOD.
Monday – Tempo Split Squat / Tempo Bench Press Superset
Warm up and then perform a set on each leg of Split Squats followed by a set of Bench Press. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements.
Week 1: 3 x 12
Week 2: 3 x 12
Week 3: 3 x 10
Week 4: 3 x 10
Week 5: 3 x 6 (Back off week. Use the same load as Week 1)
Week 6: 3 x 10 (Heavier than Week 3)
Week 7: 3 x 8
Week 8: 3 x 6
Start Week 1 at a moderate load and aim to increase through the 8 weeks. The last few reps of each set should be tough but the goal is no misses on either lift.
Wednesday – Tempo Back Squat + Tempo Front Squat
2 sets of Back Squats, followed by one set of Front Squats
Week 1: 2 x 8, 1 x 8
Week 2: 3 x 8, 1 x 8
Week 3: 2 x 6, 1 x 6
Week 4: 2 x 6, 1 x 6
Week 5: 2 x 4, 1 x 4 (Back off week. Use the same load as Week 1)
Week 6: 2 x 6, 1 x 6 (Heavier than Week 4)
Week 7: 2 x 4, 1 x 4
Week 8: 2 x 2, 1 x 2
Use last cycle’s volume numbers to inform on where you should start these, or work backwards and aim to make doubles at your most recent 1-rep max.
Snatch complexes and pulls
Varied mixed-modal metcons of longer duration than our usual time domain, including partner workouts
Clean and Jerk complexes and pulls
See the Current Programing Cycle page for our new standardized warm ups!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
Don’t forget! We’ll be running pn a limited schedule tomorrow July 4th. We’re offering Open Gym from 9am to 12pm that day. All other classes are cancelled!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Nancy”
People Who Exercise May Have Bigger Brains Time
Jasmine Moghbeli, Badass Astronaut The New Yorker