For Time…
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Lateral Burpees Over-the-Bar
9 Deadlifts 155/105
6 Thrusters 155/105
10 minute cap. Rest until the 15 minute mark, then complete…
5 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
The barbell weight should be light for the Deadlifts and pretty heavy and challenging for the Yhrusters. For the run/Bar Muscle-Up couplet, push the pace on the runs. If you can get through the full volume of Bar Muscle-Ups without large rests or lots of misses, then go for it. If not, then scale some volume or perform jumping Bar Muscle-Ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups instead.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sunday, October 29th: CRASH-Bs Kick-Off Meeting with Coach Nick
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Olympian Coach Nick will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 25th, in Boston. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting at 12:15 on Sunday, October 29th in the Annex. This meeting is open and free to anyone who’s “erg-curious” and wants to learn more about what’s involved. There will not be a workout.
Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be a CFSBK member to participate—so tell your non-SBK friends! (If you have any!)
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three or four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide programming and support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
At the kick-off meeting, Coach Nick will explain the program in detail.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Handstand Training: Fun Progressions to Build Stability and Strength Girls Gone Strong
How Strength Training Can Prevent Running Injuries NBC News
10am class
Metcon 1 Rx’d in 7:41
Fell on my ass in the 2nd round of thrusters!
Metcon 2 Rx’d in 15:14
BMUs went 4+1, then all 3+2. That’s the most of them I’ve ever done, plus no misses. Fun to be able to push these a little bit now.
Can anybody take my spot for subway series next week? Kate E and I won’t be able to make it. Please let me know!!!
Triple Threat day!
9am Short Circuit
Jumping Lunges blergh, plate pushes double blergh. Nice heart pump, though, SC is such a great start of the day.
10am group class with Melo (kudos to her for running a 20+ person class, all with a great smile and energy)
Metcon 1 – 8:38 @ 135lbs
A little gassed from SC. I knew the 45 burpees were gonna really slow me down, so I decided not to Rx the weight since I’d probably need to do singles or doubles, and was prob gonna hit the time cap.
Metcon 2 – 13-ish w/ jumping BMU
Happy that I managed to hit all JBMU in a row, time to lower the box and up the challenge.
Then much needed 11am AR with DO.
8am StrongFit with Chris
-Fat Bar Deadlift
I pr’ed my deadlift @ 350lbs. Originally these were double overhand, but was later allowed to do mixed grip. It’s been a while since I’ve gone close to that old number.
-100m Bear Crawl with Sled
Made it up to 225lbs including the sled. I could barely feel my legs by the end of these.
-400m Sandbag carry
Used the 100lbs sandbag This was absolutely terrible after all the work from before. I went down to pick up the Sandbag and couldn’t bend my legs. Incredibly challenging and I only made it to 270m before the end of class.
9am Group Class with Melo
Metcon 1
7:49 @ 115lbs
This was the right weight. Challenging enough, but I was able to move without needing to revert to singles on the thrusters.
Metcon 2
10:49 with 5 C2B pull ups
This was fun for me (even after all the work). Managed to keep up with C2B pull-ups until the last round. I had to switch to chin over bar for the last 4 reps. Got a little competitive with Paul and we aimed to keep up with each other. It was a close race until that last set of pull-ups and he smoked me. Maybe next time!
11am AR with DO
AR, break for lunch, then OG.
15 min NFR:
0:45 bar hang
15 erg pulls with damper set to 2
10 serratus pushups
I had to break up the bar hangs in rounds 4 and 5, but did the full 45 seconds unbroken for the first three. As KHarpz told me yesterday, my grip stamina is going to be pretty damn good by the time my shoulder starts behaving itself again!
Erg pulls were pain free as long as I kept them slow and perfect. I did notice a little pinch in the left lat if I got lazy about form, so I don’t think I’m ready to row for time yet.
3 supersets:
10/side Powell raises, 5# tempo 3-1-X-1
10/side shoulder external rotations*, 5# tempo 3-1-X-1
0:30/side DB overhead hold, 20#
All this was fine. In fact my shoulder felt like it was loosening up a bit by the end.
For time:
25 deadlifts 125#
1 mile assault bike
25 deadlifts 125#
5:07. I was so delighted when I realized that the AB was counting in miles, not kilometers like I thought it was at first. I thought I had to go to 1.6, and then when I realized I only had to go to 1, my brain exploded with glee. This was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, although I did lie on the ground for a good minute afterward.
*I was mistakenly calling my attempts at Powell raises from Thursday “shoulder ERs.” Now I know which is which!
10:00 am
1st Metcon: 9:52 |135lbs
I’ve been trying to inch my way to the men’s RX. So I’m just happy I finished before the cap… But once again, burpees slowed me way down.
2nd Metcon: 15:00 | Jumping BMU
Was able to get at least one legit BMU each round, which really surprised me. But still can’t string them together… Yet.
Today felt awesome.
AG strength then 1pm
WOD 1 in 5:44
Originally was going to sub heavy push press or push jerk for thrusters since I’m still not squatting but was able to do an air squat for the first time with no pain this morning. Decided to ease my knee back into working out instead.
Did the DLs @105 unbroken- steady so that I didn’t bang the bar on my knee.
12 slow and controlled air squats subbed for thrusters. Felt weird at first, but improved through the WOD.
WOD 2 Rx’d in 11:?? 30 or 40 something. Don’t remember.
C2B were kipping singles. I was able to run! Yay!
Had a major breakthrough after class. Normally when I do C2B I use a wider grip and stick my chest out to touch the bar. This puts my legs behind me when I’m at the top of the bar so I can’t kip properly and string them together. After class Whit had me try them with a normal pullup grip and I kept my kip really tight and focused on pushing down on the bar at the top- strung three in a row- no problem!