Snatch Complex
Every other minute on the minute x 10 (5 reps):
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
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Exposure 8 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Toes-to-Bars
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Fight Gone Bad 2017: Thank You!
By the time the dust settled yesterday, we had raised over $21,500 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. That’s AMAZING. Every dollar of your efforts will help to fund some of the best causes in Brooklyn. Thanks to everyone who competed and/or fundraised, donated, cheered, or helped out in any way. We’ll have the full results from the day up on the blog tomorrow.
Many thanks again to the following sponsors for donating prizes: Herondale Farms, Left Bank, Olivier Bistro, LuluLemon, Afrobrutality, Parklife, Littlefield, and Dinosaur BBQ.
Don’t Choke the Bar to Death Catalyst Athletics
What Can “Drunken Monkeys” Teach Us About Alcohol Addiction? Pacific Standard
Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 x 6
Heavier than last week.
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Exposure 8 of 8
Light “Fran”
For Time:
Thrusters 75/55
The Thrusters should be light, and the goal is unbroken. Sub Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Allie B. on her first Muscle-Up! “Allie has been working with me since I started the Anti-Gravity and Anti-Gravity Strength programs,” Coach Ro says. “I’ve seen her make so much progress during her time at CFSBK. A Ring Muscle-Up has been one of her long-time goals.”
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
With just a few days to go until Fight Gone Bad 2017, we’re currently at $13,487 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 54% of our $25,000 goal. It’s not too late to send a last-minute fundraising email. Let your friends and family know that you’ll be sweating for one of the best causes around!
Also, a heads up: all classes will be cancelled for FGB this Saturday, November 4th. Competitors can find their heat and judging assignments here. Contact your team captain or Coach Jess with any questions!
Last Call for Artists in CFSBK’s Fourth Art Show, on November 18, 2017
CFSBK’s fourth Art Show will be Saturday, November 18th, and we need to know by midnight tonight whether you want to participate.