Single-Arm Farmer Carry
30 Seconds x 1-2 Sets
Use dumbbells, kettlebells, jerry cans, or farmer handles. After a few warm up sets, grab a load you can carry for 30 seconds without putting down. Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Week 6 of 6
Every Minute on the Minute x 16 (4e) for Quality:
1) :30 Bike
2) 12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
3) :30 Ring/Forearm Plank
4) 8 Alternating Rotational Slam Balls
Work at a medium-intensity, sustainable pace for the duration of the workout. Prioritize moving through or holding positions as perfectly as possible.
Post work to comments.
There are just 12 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2019. This year competitors will raise money for the Sunrise Movement, a coalition of young people who aim to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process. Be a perfect angel and register HERE!
Want a Tattoo? Check out this CFSBKer’s Studio!
Good news! If you’re in the market for a new tattoo, you can check out CFSBK member Stephen Lim‘s shop, Happy Place Tattoo, which is located right near the gym at 3rd Avenue and Dean St. Stephen has flash available on his site, or you can check out his personal and shop Instagrams.
News and Notes
- Got something of note going on in your life? We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at]
- If you’ve done Fight Gone Bad in the past, what was your favorite part? Tell us in the comments!
Social Sabotage: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Better Athlete Daily
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