Dumbbell Bench Press / Pronated Grip Ring Row
A1) Dumbbell Bench Press:
2 x 12-15 @ 4121
A2) Pronated Grip Ring Row:
2 x 12-15 @ 4121
Use a load that’s light enough to allow you to perform the prescribed reps at the prescribed tempo. This will probably be in the ballpark of 40% for most folks. Change the angle of the body on the Ring Rows to more horizontal and/or add a weight vest to increase the degree of difficulty.
Rest :30 between exercises and 1:00 between sets.
Post work to comments.
Week 3 of 6
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Alternating Pistols
25 Wall Ball Shots
50 Double-Unders
Modify the pistols to alternating reverse lunges and the double-unders to alternating foot steps or 100 singles as needed. Can you do the wall balls unbroken?
CFSBK circa May 2009.
This is when we were still renting space at the Brooklyn Lyceum. Sometimes the space would be double-booked with a local orchestra’s rehearsal times. We had to train as quietly as we reasonably could while we enjoyed a live performance during workouts.
This Week’s Class Schedule
Wednesday, November 27th
Normal schedule until 7:30pm.
Cancelled: 3:30pm CrossFit Kids, 4:30pm CrossFit Preteens, 7:30pm CrossFit, 8:30pm CrossFit, Next Level Weightlifting Club
Thursday, November 28th (Thanksgiving)
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
8am-11am Open Gym Membership
Cancelled: Everything else
Friday, November 29th
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
4:30pm CrossFit
5:30pm CrossFit
630pm CrossFit
9am-1pm & 4:30-7:30pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 6am CrossFit, 7am CrossFit, 8am CrossFit, Fit 55+, Diapers & Dumbbells
18 Things to Do on Black Friday Instead of Shopping Frugalwoods