Bodyweight WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Wide Stance Standing Forward Bends (flow between reps)
10e Bent Over Torso Rotations
:20e Side Plank or Side Star Plank
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Alternating Split Jumps
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
5 Squat Jumps (or Broad Jumps)
15 Squats
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
10 Minute Savasana (led by Jon Kabat-Zinn)
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Dumbbell/Kettlebell WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20
Warm Up
5 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Wide Stance Standing Forward Bends (flow between reps)
10e Bent Over Torso Rotations
:20e Side Plank (on elbow) or Side Star Plank
:30 Reverse Bridge Plank
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Cleans (or Kettlebell) Left
10 Single-Arm Rack Reverse Lunges (same side leg moving)
10 Single-Arm Push Presses
10 SA Dumbbell Cleans (or Kettlebell) Right
10 Single-Arm Rack Reverse Lunges (same side leg moving)
10 Single-Arm Push Presses
10 Goblet Squats
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Using a single dumbbell or kettlebell. Sub Single-Arm Swings as needed for the Cleans.
10 Minute Savasana (led by Jon Kabat-Zinn)
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Endurance Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20 (Tuesday: Easy Run)
Warm Up
General movement prep (shoulder/hip circles, leg swings front/back and side to side, toe touches, standing quad stretch, calf march, standing cross legged forward fold, world’s greatest stretch)
Easy 200m jog
2x through: 15m (~50ft) of each of the following (walk back to start): Bunny Hops, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Lateral Shuffle, Carioca, Broad Jumps
2 Mile Easy Run (using only nasal breathing!)
- Newbies: alternating between walk/run is absolutely ok! But the goal is to keep moving.
- More experienced runners: choose a more challenging course, pick up speed
- If you lose nasal breathing slow down pace or walk until you can resume nasal breathing comfortably.
- Use for distances or just run for 20mins.
- Contact Jessica [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.
com with questions.
Cool Down
10 Minutes of World’ Greatest Stretch (Figure Four Stretch, Lying Spinal Twist)
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CFSBK Remote Programming Update
In the video above, Coach Fox and Coach Keith explain how we’ve programmed our gym-less workouts through March 29th. Our intention is to provide our members with some varied remote options for training and staying engaged. We’ll be posting our programming options right here on the blog and will offer some “virtual” classes to be scheduled. So much is happening so fast, our goal is to bring our staff’s insights and programs directly to you as much as we can. We’ll get through this together!
If you’d like to foster one of our kettlebells or dumbbells to help you get your sweat on at home, stop by the gym today from 9am to 11am to pick one up.
We want to know how you’re doing! Post your gym-less workout results, questions, social distancing dispatches, or anything else you’d like to share to the comments.
Finding Peace in a Pandemic Outside
What Italians Wish They Had Known The Atlantic
This is so incredibly generous of you, DO. ❤️
This is all so wonderful and helpful. Y’all are just THE BEST!
Thank you so much! Is the kettlebell pick-up time (9-11am) for Tuesday??
Yes Tuesday 9-11am!
5am WOD. My QOTD “Coffee or tea in the morning and how do you take it.” My answer: coffee, black (today my method was pour over).
I loved this workout – did it in my bare feet to keep quiet and worked to be as light as possible with the landings like we’re supposed to do with box jumps. There is a dead space on the wood floor that I marked out with tape so I know where to keep myself during early mornings.
The equipment fostering is such a wonderful idea! I thoroughly enjoyed reading Tim R’s adventure with his new iron roommate.
Currently what I’m doing while at home: One project I’m working on is a google doc of all the food items in the apartment, broken up by type, and then cross-referencing recipes to help utilize everything here. It’s also acting as a bit of spring cleaning as I’m wiping each shelf down as I go.
Elbow bumpsies!
Cathy – coffee, light and sweet. Elbow xo
Light as in your bright smile and sweet like your early morning SBK greetings? Hi to the fam! xo
Dawwww this gives me all the feels.
I am embarrassed to admit I’ve become a bit addicted to the Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew. Even though I order it with 2 pumps of vanilla instead of the standard 4(!), I have a feeling it’s a big reason I’ve gained back about 5 of the lbs I lost on PN.
Gonna use lockdown to break myself of this habit.
Tea always and black!
Thank you for the equipment lending program! Crumsho and I got what we needed this afternoon and itching to continue Jeremy’s SS class but with dumbbells and also maybe do some of the at-home wods! Miss you guys already! Won’t hit me hard until Saturday AM when I should be at my shift! Stay safe! XO
Taking a rest day after 3 days on (5mi run Saturday, at-home programming Sun/Mon) but here to answer JB’s QOTD:
Coffee, black, hot. Drip at home, french press at the office
“the office”… 😉
I miss leaving my apartment 😂
7.45 am WOD, me and Brian @20lb DB. The Goat @two quart filled water bottle. QOTD: what’s your dream car
Me: a convertible VW bug
Brian: a restored Sport
TG: a limo that doesn’t make her car sick with a driver that has a hot tub on top, a Willy Wonka candy dispenser, a penguin dressed as a Butler that serves her.
Work-out was amazing. Coming soon to choose our foster bells. I’m an LCSW and can provide updates and assesments as necessary. xoxo
My dream car is the Cash Cab. There’s trivia questions, someone else is driving, and it’s Ben Bailey, who’s one of my celebrity crushes.
Awesome. So generous and nice to lend out KB’s to help us.
Coffee, black. Always. Done today as a pour over.
1 hour of yoga in the am. Found Tim on YouTube. Pretty good.
QOTD – Coffee, black, French press.
KB workout with my newly fostered 24kg bell. Thanks CFSBK! 10:59 with 5 of each movement. 24kg was too much for 10 of everything. 1:30 per round.
I didn’t kill Zachary as he was riding around on his school bus with a kb so another positive!
Cash out courtesy of Michael A
3 rounds with one minute rest
20 plank toe taps
5 kB biceps curls
20 v-ups
5 pushups
20 Russian twists
That was a lot of v-ups
Black tea with unsweetened almond milk and scoop of creatine.
WOD #1: Farmers carry of 20kg kb from box to home – .75 miles
This got sweaty.
QOTD: double espresso, no milk (new development in the last few weeks!, one Splenda.
10am solo class with a 16kg KB
HOLY CRAP this was much harder than I expected. First round took 4min total, but everything kinda went to hell after that. Was breathing super hard by the end, and my left leg feels like it’s gonna be sore for a bit.
CFSBK never ceases to amaze me. Looking forward to virtual group classes and (small, distant) park workouts.
Thank you SBK! I’m now the proud foster mama of a 40# and a 65# DB. The latter will be good for suitcase deadlifts and also for my husband, who’s training for a powerlifting meet and panic-bought two 45# plates yesterday (never mind that there’s no barbell to put them on, LOL).
We also already own an adjustable dumbbell that was gathering dust in the back of a closet but boy am I glad we have it now! Did the DB WOD with that thing loaded to 30# and it just about killed me. Fox is right: don’t go out of the gate too fast on the first round! I did and I ended up resting like 2:30 between rounds 4 and 5 and having to put the DB down a couple of times in the last round.
It was very weird working out at 11:30 AM in the middle of the workday. My plan is to get back to working out in the early morning once my residual cough goes away and I can sleep through the night.
Haven’t done this one yet. Will be doing it later in the afternoon. But have been doing these the last couple of days and I just wanted to say thank you for the continued and thoughtful programming. I’m so grateful for all you guys do and am sharing these with my family, who are all doing them to some degree. Please keep them coming. Thank you again.
Getting the family involved, that’s awesome Gene! We’ll keep the content coming for sure 🙂
Continuing to be so grateful for this community!!
Did the dumbbell WOD with my newly fostered 35# DB, about 2:40 per round.
Just ran 2 miles in the park – nasal breathing only – which was TOUGH for someone who likes to run fast and not-at-all mindfully. But I trust the Foxes so I found and held a 8:47/mile pace for 2 nasal breathing only miles.
lulz. Your nasal breathing pace is my huffing and puffing pace!
Nice work, Elly!
And, +1 to Stella’s comment…that’s faster than my 13.1 pace 🙁
– La Tortuga
Hahaha La Tortuga made me LOL. And thanks friends. After running thousands of miles, it feels like my superpower. Grateful to be able to tap into it during this crazy time.
Obviously I wish we were in circumstances where we could all be together in person but I LOVE how vibrant the blog has become in the past 3 days!
QOTD: coffee from my Bialtetti with Natural Bliss coffee creamer
I either have 8# dB or a 35# kb at home. So I chose the 35# kb. This was really hard. I only did 4 rounds. Push presses were not happening, so I did a :20s single arm OH hold instead. Definitely need work on Kb cleans.
Nice cool down!
OMG!! So Stella! When will I learn how to make separate comments and not reply to someone else’s!? LOL
Yes, I do agree. I have been enjoying the activity on the blog the last few days.
Nice to Maria, you’ll get it tomorrow 🙂
Biked 5x2500m/2:30 on the at-home Assault Bike, a somewhat impulsive purchase that seems like a more sensible idea now than it did a few moths ago.
Today’s DB workout with a 45# DB about 4:00/round, with a “loose” minute of rest between rounds. Spicy.
Loved seeing so many of your faces today coming in today to foster weights. Love seeing your comments here, and on IG.
Y’all rock.
QOTD: Coffee — heavy on the almond milk and always with sweet & low.
This was NOT easy — very sweaty, very shaky legs after.
2:46 / 2:29 / 2:40 / 2:31 / 2:24
Ended up resting 2 minutes between rounds.
So very thankful for this community!! My sweet fostered dumbbell has been named Darius the Dumbbell in honor of my fellow Gamecock, so Hootie & the Blowfish obviously played for the warm-up and cool down.
Decaf coffee with oatmilk and stevia while driving a mustang convertible.
Workout was amazing–took a little over 30 minutes–and I did this along with a brisk 30 minute walk. Great warm up, felt the burn with the squat jumps, and I loved the meditation at the end. Been trying to figure out how to work this into my routine–and now that I get to make my very own schedule from home–this meditation works perfectly at the end of the workout! Thanks, CFSBK!
Black coffee and lots of it!
Did this on our rooftop with Brad using 35# dumbbell & alternating rounds. I think it was about 2 minutes a round
I ran 2 miles today for the first time since my kid was born (2.5 years ago!) I took it slow and decided to just enjoy it, rather than constantly look at my pace and feel bad. It was wonderful. It took me 20:12 and I was able to keep running the whole time and even pick up my pace at the end. Thanks for posting these.
QOTD: Coffee w/ almond milk. No sugar.
This one was fun: 20# DB, 16:30 total, bet. 2:15-2:28 per round. The pup loved it too – she kept jumping on me!
Thank you so much!!
DB WOD, with 27.5# DB: 25 minutes, including the rests. (Had to break up the 10 push presses to 5+5 push presses.) Great to be able to do this at home (though I nearly clocked the very curious dog).
Also, free dance class by Debbie Allen tomorrow for our 1pm cardio hour!
QOTD: Tea, black. Morning ritual goes get up, turn on kettle, hit snooze, get up again and make tea. I’ve had to adjust without my usual at work cold brew, but I’m getting there. (Neuro Gum helps– highly recommend.)
Went with a 25# dumbbell for today’s WOD and it was a real challenge! Luckily enough, I was also streaming the Dropkick Murphys show on Twitch at the time so my roommates didn’t hear my huffing and puffing. After a long day and stressful shopping trip, this was a great break.
I also took the iron roommate (20kg kettlebell) for a quick round of swings at lunch today. Definitely helped bust through some office chair pangs when I needed it.
Love reading all these comments– hope y’all are staying hydrated and healthy!
This is really the best idea! I should have known CFSB would dream up something like this.
Coffee black and very hot.
Ran 2x around Ft. Greene Park with my youngest.
Then WOD with 20lb kb in 19:06. Tried out a 30lb bell but my back was feeling a bit delicate.
Couldn’t do the meditation but plan to do it before bed.
Black coffee, always.
Did this one in my kitchen with a 25# dumbbell. About 2 mins per round. Excited to try the gymnastics work. Thanks CFSBK for the equipment and the thoughtful programming!
Thank you David and the rest of the CFSBK team for all your amazing support.
Today we fostered a white and yellow KB, YAY. Steve and I got some strange looks from the locals as we were carrying them around our block.
Completed the DB WOD. I did 20#, Steve Did 40#. Didn’t keep track of splits. I got 15:58 total & Steve beat me by 2 seconds :(. Great to feel like CFSBK is still with us!
Looking forward to keeping the community alive through social distancing during this time.
Side note, as a physician, this is going to get worse before it gets better. I am affiliated with at least 3 different Hospitals and they still don’t quite know how we are going to tackle this situation and they are all doing it differently. Everyone be smart, listen to what CDC and other officials have to say for everyone’s safety!
Tea, mostly straight up, but not opposed to throwing some milk in black teas.
Did the endurance run today, which was predictably miserable, ended up running 2 miles in 20 minutes, so my pace was good? Appreciated the reminder to warm up. Attempted to do the dumbbell workout right after but wasn’t having any of it, so just did one round and decided to call it for myself. Looking forward to tomorrows work out!
So incredibly thankful for this community.
QOTD — decaf coffee with homemade coconut-cashew creamer
7p solo class, wanted to do Endurance with Coach Jess but after a very hilly 3mi hike with the kids I opted for bodyweight. In classic Robina fashion I did double the amount of squat jumps for the first few because I had the number 10 in my head.
Meditation interrupted at minute 8 by a child standing over me quietly until I opened my eyes. I opened one eye, whispered “find Papa” and finished up. It how we roll.
KB WOD: 21:51 including rest @20kg
That minute rest went quick. Fun one!
Dumbell wod. 15kg
55+ class workout. Trisha and Sue Wong did our WOD at our individual homes at the same time. We texted before Warm Up, Strength and Conditioning. By the end of our WOD we both felt we had a great workout.
I adopted a 20lb KB and used it.
We also used cast iron pots for turkish get ups!
Great Job with the programming.
Much appreciation,
Trish and Sue