Locked & Loaded WOD 3.27.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
16 Alternating Tall Plank Toe Taps
8 Alternating Samson Lunges
8 Bottom Half Burpees
8 V-Ups/Tuck Ups
A1) 3 x 8-12 Each Sumo Single Arm Deadlift (3 second negative)
A2) 3 x 6-10 Half Kneeling Single Arm Press (1 second pause at top and bottom)
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 Russian Swings
20 Sit-Ups
15 Burpees
Moderate intensity (push the last few minutes if you have it in you). If Sit-Ups are a no-go without an AbMat, try anchoring with weight or switch to 20 Alternating Bicycle Crunches. Scale to No-Push-Up Burpees as needed.
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 3.27.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Down Dog Calf Marches
5e Side Plank Rotations
10e Hip Bridge March
30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope Steps
4-5 Sets of Each:
8 Deep Squats (hold something for support and/or have something to sit on as needed, OR hold a weight to make them more challenging!
16 Alternating Arm Push Planks
Conditioning Explanation
Every Minute on the Minute for 20:00 (5 rounds total):
1) 6-8 Burpees
2) 4-6 Get Ups (if you have a weight, hold it!)
3) 6-8 Each Leg Step Ups or Lunges
4) :20 Seated Static Leg Raise
Post work to comments.
Upcoming Virtual Classes at CFSBK
As the quarantine continues, so do our efforts to keep you moving and connected. Our virtual class programming will continue for the near future. Here’s what you can expect:
Friday, 3/27
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
Saturday, 3/28
10am Locked & Loaded
Sunday, 3/29
10am Active Recovery
Monday 3/30
7am Locked & Loaded
10am Yoga for Athletes
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Tuesday 3/31
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
6pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Wednesday 4/1
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Thursday 4/2
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Kids classes will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
Question of the Day
Have you read or watched anything good during quarantine? Share your recommendations!
How the Pandemic Will End The Atlantic
Tackling a Taboo: Ladies Listen Up Morning Chalk Up