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Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.15.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each Elbow-to-Instep w/Rotation
5 each way Scapular CARS
10 Alternating 90/90 Hip Rotations
1-Arm Front Squat:
3 x 5-10 each
4 seconds down, 3 seconds up
Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes (4 rounds):
A) 12 Gate Swings
B) 8 each 1-Arm Bent Over Row
C) :20 each Side Plank
D) :40 Max Alternating Lunges
Option to add Goblet Dumbbell/Kettlebell to Lunges and/or Gate Swings
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 4.15.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
30 Jumping Jacks – or do the Kid and Play if you have a partner 🙂
:20 Standing Thigh Stretch
10 Tall Kneeling to Standing, Alternating Legs (use a support as needed)
5 Crawl Steps Forward + 5 Crawl Steps Backward
4-5 Sets of Each:
8-12e Single-Arm Bent Over Rows
8-12e Split Squats
15 Minutes Continuous Effort:
15 Squats
12 Sit-Ups
9 Pillow Case Body Rows
Aim to work at a sustainable pace throughout. Modify the Squats to a chair and/or anchor your feet on the Sit-Ups as needed.
Post work to comments.
View this post on Instagram
Coach David gives us a rundown of some of the equipment he’s hunkered down with
Support Operation Feed Brooklyn
CFSBK member Michelle Z. wants you to know about Operation Feed Brooklyn, which organizes regular meal deliveries from local restaurants to those who need it. At the moment, that’s local hospitals in Brooklyn, NY. Currently, they’re supporting NYP/Methodist, Maimonides, & SUNY Downstate Hospitals in Brooklyn, New York, with weekly meal deliveries of 800+ meals, and the need is growing. Restaurants are also struggling to stay in business and to support relieved or furloughed staff. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Website: / Instagram: @operationfeedbrooklyn
Current Missions:
- 3x/week meals to SUNY Downstate Residents & Nurses at Covid-19 Clinic
- 3x/week (and expanding) meals to Maimonides ER
- Regular meals and coffee & beverage support to NYP/Methodist ER
Working on creating support for:
- Brooklyn Hospital
- NYU Langone Brooklyn
- SUNY Downstate ER
- Increasing service to those above to daily support and potentially other mealtimes / greater portions
If you’re aware of a healthcare team in need, please fill out this form. If you might be available for transportation volunteering, please fill out this form. And if you think you may be interested in volunteering to partake in this mission, email Michelle at
Question of the Day
Aside from a dumbbell or kettlebell, what has been your most useful piece of home gym equipment during quarantine?
Training During COVID-19 Breaking Muscle
Exercising Outdoors with a Face Mask NY Times