CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
Today’s Programming
A: Sumo Deadlift 3×6
B: Back Squat (Tuesdays or Saturdays options)
C: Shoulder Press 3×5
D: Chin-Ups 5×5
If you’re doing Murph tomorrow, we recommend option A at low intensity. If you’ve already deadlifted this week, consider some Rowing and stretching during this segment.
For today’s strength segment, choose an exercise that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. You can also add a second, non barbell movement as a superset. For example, you might perform Bench Press, but add in some DB Rows or you might do Deadlifts and Chin-Ups
Tomorrow’s lift is… MURPH
3-5 sets of:
8 Seated Box Jumps
12 Ipsilateral Front Rack Reverse Lunges
9 KB High Pulls
6 KB Snatches
3 KB windmills
If you’re doing Murph tomorrow you can sub the lunges for 16 sit-ups if you’d like.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Greg swinging his way through a workout earlier this week
Murph Options
We’ve got around 80 people tackling Murph tomorrow! Below are some options and subs and scales to consider.
Classic partition:
Run 1 Mile
20 Rounds of:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Run 1 Mile
“Save the push-ups” Partition:
Run 1 Mile
20 Rounds of:
5 Push-Ups
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Run 1 Mile
“Im a crazy person” Partition
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mike
Volume Scales
On the superhuman end, this workout could take people as low as around 30 minutes (with a vest) but most folks should plan for a workout that takes them roughly 45-75 minutes, depending on which version they perform.
Scaling the overall volume of the calisthenics is the first thing to consider with 15 rounds and 10 rounds of the calisthenics dropping it to 3/4 and 1/2 volume. For the run, if 2 miles feels like too much, run 2 laps around the block instead of 3.
If you’re performing strict pull-ups in the workout or just find that the pull-ups are the limiting factor, consider 3 per round instead of 5. For push-ups we recommend keeping the full volume but modifying the movement.
Movement Subs
Since the pull-up bars will be communal tomorrow, we’re limiting the pull-up subs to ring rows, strict and kipping. Push-ups can be modified to knee push-ups or push-ups onto a bench. If you can’t run, the sub for rowing is a 2K row per mile. If you need to modify that volume drop down to 1500m.
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