Today’s Programming
Every 5:00 for three rounds
12 Power Snatches
400m Run
For the Snatch choose a medium light weight that allows you to perform sets of 4-6 touch and go reps at a time.
Sub 2:00 Bike or Row if needed
Choose one lift from the list below based on what you have not performed this week so far.
A: Bench Press 75%x2x6
B: Back Squat 75%x2x6
C: Shoulder Press 75%x2x6
D: Deadlift 75%x2x6
E: 5 Sets: Strict Chin-Ups x5 + DB Bench or Shoulder Press x10
Tomorrow we have Burpees and Wall Ball Shots.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Some updates on Melissa
Hey everyone
We wanted to give some brief but important follow ups on Melissa Arnold. With the permission of her family, we wanted to share with you all that through her tragedy, Melissa was able to provide 8 life saving organ transplants to people in serious need. Last weekend Methodist Hospital performed an “Honor Walk” where the nurses, doctors and staff lined the hallways in respect and reverence for her donations as she was transferred from the ICU to the operating room. Theres no doubt that Melissa was taken too early, and our heart goes out to her family, friends, loved ones and her two pups. But the gift of life she was able to bestow upon 8 perfect strangers is nothing short of incredible. Melissa’s legacy lives on in so many ways and we are so fortunate to have her as a part of our community. In coordination with her siblings, who are also CrossFitters as well as a couple of her former gyms, we will be doing a tribute workout to Melissa on her birthday in late October. More details to follow.
Some of you have asked for her parent’s address so that you could send a card or flowers. If you’re interested, please reach out to David at to get the information.