Workout of the Day
3 Rounds for Quality:
8 Seated DB Good Mornings
:20e Copenhagen Plank
:30e Couch Stretch
:30 Hollow Hold
EMOM 15:00
A: 3 Deadlifts
B: 12 Kipping Toes to Bars
C: Rest
Today’s deadlifts are touch and go reps. You can keep the weight consistent or work up each round. For the T2B this works out to 60 reps. Scale the reps up or down based on your ability. If you don’t have kipping toes to bars, perform kipping partial ROM, Strict toes to bars or 20 Tuck-Ups.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/12)
Coach Brett with eyes like a hawk on his Personal Training client, Cesar P!
Tomorrow we’ll be programming the Hope for Refugees workout with the intention of raising funds for this great cause. CFSBK will donate $5 for everyone who performs the workout on Saturday. To learn more about this event, the workout and to donate, click the image below.
The Workout
3 rounds of:
Shuttle runs, 8 m
Dumbbell snatches
Bike for calories
Dumbbell box step-ups
Strict burpees
This workout has the same format as Fight Gone Bad, working at each station for one minute then rotating. After completing all 5 stations, rest for 1 minute before starting the next round. One point is given for each rep, calorie biked, or shuttle run length.
♀ 35-lb DB, 20-in box
♂ 50-lb DB, 24-in box
Use a single dumbbell for the snatches and step-ups. For the strict burpee perform an honest push-up followed by an enthusiastic vertical jump.