Work up to a 2 Min Max Rep Snatch Test
*Athletes can switch hands as needed during the 2 minutes
Post load and reps to comments.
Back Off Week
Annie Ladder
For 15 minutes complete
10 Double unders, 10 situps then
20 Double unders, 20 situps then
30 Double unders, 30 situps then
40 Double unders, 40 sit-ups, etc.
Post rounds and reps to comments.
*Athletes should use this as an opportunity to perfect and refine their Double Under form
Allen E. gives running two thumbs up.
Spring Cleaning: Special Shoe Edition
Spring is in full swing and we'll be doing some cleaning over the next couple of weeks. In the interest of straightening up we're asking everyone to remove their shoes from the gym between today and next Wednesday, May 11. Any shoes left will disappear never to be heard from again. Don't fret we'll re-open the racks for shoe storage next Thursday, May 12.
Gymnastics WOD Jump Rope Trilogy: Parts One, Two & Three Gymnastics WOD
Jeff Martone on the Kettlebell Snatch Crossfit
Gary Taubes on Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution Podcast Robb Wolf