Advanced 1-1-1-1
Novice 4×2
Post loads to comments.
(e 7/7) Compare to 3.9.11
For time:
35 Double Unders
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
15 C2B Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
9 C2B Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
Post time and RX to comments.
Christine, Armando & Earl repping On-Ramp
We’re Totes running a CrossFit Total on Saturday!
This Saturday we’ll be running the CrossFit Total and giving you a chance to see how your weeks and months of hard work has paid off as well as to lift in solidarity with the SBK team who’ll be competing in the Hybrid Total. Each athlete will have three attempts to find a new 1-RM at Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. Because the CFT takes some our Saturday schedule will run in 90-minute blocks as follows:
Block 3: 11-12:30
In order for things to run smoothly we ask that you arrive 15-20 minutes early to warm-up on your own and get ready to start lifting promptly at 8, 9:30 or 11. For more info, including movement standards on the CFT please read Mark Rippetoe’s article “The CrossFit Total” in preparation for Saturday.
Team CFSBK at the Hybrid Athletics CrossFit Total
Coach Margie has a big crew of CFSBK athletes heading out to Jersey this Saturday to compete in the Hybrid Athletics CrossFit Total. The full roster is:
Jess O.
Billy K.
Jim R.
Dave Byrd
Joel W.
Katie M.
and Coaches Margie & Jeremy
We wish them all the best this weekend and will keep you posted on PRs coming back from the event! Goooo team!
Always Room for One More
We have added 1 slot for Margie’s Tough Tits workshop. The slot will be first come, first serve. If you attempted to purchase a slot while it was sold out please email Margie at Margie(AT) so we can get you in for the next cycle.
The Turkish Get-up CrossFit Invictus
Zac & Nicole CrossFit Total Crossfit
How to Win Friends and Influence Paleo Whole 9