Check out Maurya S from Spartan Racing’s video update after her first session at CFSBK. Maurya is gearing up to run two Spartan Races with the help of Coach Shane. You can read more about her experience here!
Wednesday 8pm Class
You asked for it and you got it. Join Coach Noah this and every Wednesday at 8pm for our newest Group Class.
Lets Get Real about Summertime Hydration!
Watch Kelly S over at Mobility WOD talk about heat, fluid loss and how to get enough fluid and salts for life and performance. Episode 276
Do You Remember Your First Workout at CFSBK? What was it?
Strength Feats Compilation 2 Youtube
“Do Over” CrossFit Triangle
Tuaomas Vainio, Born Generalist CrossFit
Kristen Clever: Can’t Quit, Not Acceptable Rogue/CrossFit