5 sets x 3 reps
Like the previous cycle, we’ll be squatting heavy triples on Saturdays. Check your records to see where you left off last cycle then drop 10-15 lbs and start a new linear progression.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 8.20.11
3 Rounds NFT of:
:30 second Handstand Hold* against a wall
20 Heavy Kettlebell Swings, Unbroken
:60 Couch Stretch each side, holding good lumbo-pelvic position
If you can gracefully kick up to the wall and stay hollow, go for it. Otherwise do a wall walk-up.
Focus on a tight hip and knee extension with Kettlebell Swings. When you hit full extension you should feel the bell go weightless, if it’s not then you’re not efficiently transfering force into the bell. Watch the video at the bottom of this post to see Jeff Martone perform a mature swing.
Lana Z learns that what goes up must come back down
Good Luck, Spartan Warriors
Best of luck to Maurya, Melissa L, Paul R, Keith W, Marc M and Yitzy S on today’s Super Spartan Race. These guys will suffer 8 miles of obstacles, mud and endurance to claim the title of Super Spartan Warriors.
Maurya has even been blogging about her CrossFit adventures with Coach Shane leading up to this event. To catch up on her progress, compete with video blogs at the gym, click here!
New Equipment!
To better serve your needs, we’ve added some new equipment recently. Some of it is already at the gym and some of it is en route:
– 4 New Pairs of “Indy Stands”: The old grey racks weren’t cutting it so we ditched them and beefed up our mobile racks with these much heavier stands. Not only are they more resilient, but they’ve got more pins for finer height adjustments.
– New Plyo Boxes: We got 2 Rogue Games Boxes which are adjustable from 20″, to 24″ to 30″ simply by flipping them. 3 new steel 12″ boxes were also added recently.
– New Medicine Balls: Look out for one more 14lb ball, three 16lb balls, two smaller diameter 6lb balls and one “Big Monster” 30lb Wall Ball.
– “Jerry Cans”: You saw them at the CrossFit Games this year and you’ll see them at the gym soon! They’re 115lbs each filled with water and even heavier with sand or lead. Hello grip strength!
– Barbell Weights etc: We got 5 pairs of 15lb bumper plates, 5 pairs of 2.5 and 5lb steel plates and a new weight tree to hold all the loose change coming soon.
What is your favorite piece of equipment, not including a barbell? (calisthenics don’t count!)
Jeff Martone Demos the Kettlebell Swing CrossFit