For time:
21 Back Squats
30 Burpees
15 Back Squats
20 Burpees
9 Back Squats
10 Burpees
There is a 15 minute cap on this workout. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete the first round of squats in 3-4 sets, the second in 2-3 and the last in 2-3. The weight should feel heavy, but something you aren’t really intimidated by. We rarely do Back Squats in a timed environment, pace this so that you always leave 3 reps “in the tank” before racking the bar to rest. The Back Squat is not a movement you want to grind out under duress. Know thyself
Potential Weight Options
Rx+ 225/145
Post load and time to comments.
Hannah Weaver (right) ran her 1st 5K with me this am with a time of 35:28. The plan had been to run the first mile then walk the second and run the third. We walked for about 90 seconds after the first mile then H decided she wasn’t slowing down again. By mile 2 she was definitely my pacer and we passed a number of legitimate runners. She cruised up the big hill! I definitely would have been slower if she hadn’t pushed me! Picture below–H got the adult medal!
Sadie (left) rocked the peewee race.
So very proud!
-Jess G
News and Notes:
- There is NO Active Recovery, Comp Class or No Teaser this weekend.
- We just passed 15K raised for charity! Go Team CrossFit South Brooklyn!!
- CFSBK has started a Movie Club! See the 10.18 Post for more details
- On October 27th CrossFit Virtuosity is hosting the Trick-or-Treat Team Throwdown. More information here. Interested? Post to comments!
Baby Muster This Weekend
CFSBK parents! You’re awesome! Your kids are cute! We should hang out more often.
Come join us for a CFSBK Baby Army Muster and Picnic on Saturday, October 13th at 1:15pm
Let’s all get to know each other better and watch our cute little ones roll/toddle/run around on gym mats. And, of course, plot baby army world domination.
Babies and children, parents and parents-to-be, friends and pets welcome. We’ll have some fresh fruit for everyone, and you’re welcome to bring some snacks to share if you like.
RSVP to organizer extraordinaire Erica N at erica.nofi(AT)
“Squat To Love, Live To Squat” How Anthony Bainbridge took his squat from 425 to 495 at a bodyweight of 165 pounds in 61 days CrossFit Community
Fighting For Greatness CrossFit Community
The Virtuosity Series: The Hollow Hold