Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2.5-5 lbs to last exposure
Performance: Try and establish a new 5RM today
Post loads to comments.
Press e6/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 5 Minutes Of:
10 Push Press 115/75
10 Burpees
Scale the Push Press weight such that it’s more or less balanced with the burpees.
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Family Portrait: Greg and Erica Nofi and their baby strongman, Reid. (holding a 100lb Dumbbell)
Hoboken Winter Challenge Sound Off
Are you doing the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge?? Please email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn so we can get a headcount on everyone who’s going and organize transportation.
Sandy Relief with lululemon athletica Brooklyn
The lululemon athletica stores in NYC have come together to create a volunteer event over the next few weekends to assist with Hurricane Sandy Relief in various areas of the city. We are partnering with volunteer organizations and foundations out in hard-hit areas to provide our support. All are welcome — we have a bus that seats 55 people heading out every Saturday and Sunday for the next few weeks and would love to get our friends and community out there with us.
We have a lot of space on the bus, so the more the merrier!
Philadelphia Winter Warmer Challenge
Saturday, Januray 12th from 11am-8pm
Philadelphia, PA
There will be four events. Cuts will be made after the second event – 50 men and 50 women will continue on to event three. A second round of cuts will be made after the third event – 10 men and 10 women will continue to the final event.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and the top three female athletes. We will also award one individual who best exemplifies virtuosity. Click here for Coach Glassman’s take on virtuosity in CrossFit.
There will be no scaled division.
For the first two events, in which everyone will compete, female athletes should be able to put a minimum of 45lbs over head, and move a 16kg kettle bell. Male athletes should be able to put a minimum of 85lbs over head and move a 24kg kettle bell. We will be posting the full workouts two weeks in advance, but know that the first two events do not contain any advanced bodyweight movements – (i.e. no muscle ups, handstand push ups, pistols, pull ups).
WODs will be announced on December 31st – stay tuned!
Steph P and Coach David have already signed up. Anyone else in??
Philadelphia Winter Warmer
550lb PAUSED Front Squat
Check out CrossFit South Brooklyn’s review on CrossFit Drop In