Nate recently visted CrossFit Fenway. “Great box right across the street from Fenway Park. Got hazed considerably for being from NY (made me do an extra round of the WOD)”
- We’re in “back off week” where we start prepping for the upcoming cycle. If you’ve been hitting it hard lately, make some extra time in your personal life for some R&R.
PR City!
Here are some recent accomplishments from some CFSBKers. If you’ve got a recent PR or accomplishment, post it to comments.
Whitney H: 0:42 L-Sit
Coach Melo: 9:24 “Helen, 12:04 “DT”, 15:59 30 Muscle-Ups for time
Jake L: 240lb Snatch, 297lb Clean and Jerk
Coach Jeremy: 225lb Press
Charlotte K: 155lb Bench Press
Courtney H: First Chin-up
Our thoughts are with everyone affected by yesterday’s tragedy in Boston. The CFSBKers who were in attendance at the Marathon are all okay.
Shelter From The Storm CrossFit
6am with McDowell and Jess. Partnered with Rob for some lovely handstand work. Felt some nice balance on a couple of the attempts, managing :02 for the longest unaided hold. It's a start. Lots of pretty handstands from the ladies this morning made Rob and I look bad.
Accessory work with a 32kg kettlebell. Swings: 25/25/25/15/10. Sit-ups: 25/25/25. Push-ups: 20/20/20. Yes, I cannot count: that was 60 push-ups.
PR City (all within the last 2 weeks):
190# press
225# clean & jerk
300# bench press
1 strict muscle-up
7 AM with Robert, er, McDowell, and Jess. Got to 185 on back squat and subbed kipping pull-up practice for double under practice once it was clear that my foot isn't ready for that much jumping just yet.
Recent PR — 135 on bench press a couple of weeks ago. Stoked!
Plug: my choir, the Oratorio Society of NY, is performing Benjamin Britten's War Requiem in honor of the 100th anniversary of Britten's birth. It's a gorgeous and haunting piece of music and I think you all should come! Monday night (4/22), 8 PM, Carnegie Hall. I've sold all of my tickets but they're available at all price points (starting at $22) at the box office.
Just hit yesterday a new PR in DL at 350. Tied my Press at 130
Fine bench workout yesterday…
Bench: 205x2x12 (twelve doubles)
Solid throughout. Focused on feet and legs (digging heels and keeping legs straight). Took longer than I would like (50 minutes for the work sets).
DB OH Press: 50x8x3
DB curls: 35x10x3
6am w/Jess & McDowell
A bit unbalanced with the handstands, first time trying them and felt a little intimidated. Thank you Asha for always being a great partner and encouraging me to push myself.
WOD 16kg kbell swings (too light really, I could/should? have pushed myself to grab the 20kb. But since it's back up week..sounds to me like I'm just making excuses though.)
Can't count either, did 85 sit ups and 60 push ups. Opted for the easier swing hand sit up rather than holding them up folded. Disappointing that I didn't go for more of a challenge….
every day is PR fun in strength class lately.
here's last night's:
squat: 160x3x5
bench: 87.5x3x5
deadlift: 190×5
still interested in the veggie CSA?
the Farm is extending the deadline. sign up!
6am with McDowell and Jess. Glad I tried the handstands! Thanks to Joy and McDowell for the moral and physical support! Did the WOD with a 20kg bell and broke it down into 10 rounds.
saw all you crossfitters running around the block at about 6am this morning. Love the hustle for that class!
Update: After the age of 30, one can not sprint 3 to 4 times without warming up. Tweaked my hammy last night during softball, even though I thought I warmed up adequately.
When you take into account the sheer blazingness of his speed, DH3's hamstring really never stood a chance.
CFSBK Calaveras Por Vida!
Glassman just called. Blazingness is the 11th attribute of Fitness that we will start training.
Worked up to some quick singles before lunch
Squat 405
Press 205
DL 455
69 unbroken doubles on 4/14. 100 by 12/31? Only the Shadow knows.
I feel like Jose Reyes.
Press 105x5x3
BSQ 225x5x3
Snatch 125x1x10
Clean and Jerk 176x1x3
Felt good as I started warming up but each lift got progressively worse. By the time I was at Clean and Jerks I was running on fumes and just wanted to end it. Not a great training day.. but these are first world problems.
@DH3 You feel like $106 million dollars?
we would like to spectate at the south brooklyn softball games can you post the schedule?
Clean and Jerk: 242x1x5 w/90 seconds rest between reps
2 Snatch grip push press+2 OHS: 198# for 4 sets
Good Mornings: 135x10x3
Came in for tomorrow's Rest Day squat programming and left with a PR!
44×5, 135×4, 185×3, 235×2, 255×1, 275×1, 292.5×1 (PR)
The warm up set at 235 felt tough, but things clicked on the singles. Really happy as this felt way easier than my last heavy single attempt in February, when I barely got 290 up.
A few solid strings up DUs, but nothing close to a personal best.
135×3 on LBBS (Still could have gone heavier. Ran out of time, again.)
14 double unders in a row last week
April is a good month so far.
nice job amy!
i got way closer to a headstand than i ever thought possible…