Fitness: 3×5 across
Bar speed should be slowing down, but all 15 work reps should still be hit today.
Performance: 5/3/1 “1 week“
75%x5, 85%x5, 95%x1+
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4 Rounds, Not For Time of:
8 1-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses
8 1-Arm OH Reverse Lunge, alternate legs
4 Weighted Chest-to-Bar Chin-Ups
Perform 8 push Presses and then 8 alternating leg Reverse Lunges with the same arm locked out overhead. Let your non-dominant arm dictate the load. Go heavy but prioritize control and postitions.
Nicole Carroll on Ring Push-Up Variations
Beginner Yoga Workshop at CFSBK with Whitney Hubbard
Saturday, July 13
Beginner Yoga Workshop at CFSBK with Whitney Hubbard
Women’s Wait
In this two-part series, Andréa Maria Cecil explores women in sports and what supporters and critics have to say about the contentious Title IX legislation. In Part 1, Cecil investigates the past, present and future of female athletes. Read it for free in the CrossFit Journal here
For our female CrossFitters: What have been your experiences with access to athletics and attitudes associated with them through your life?