Fitness: Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Snatch Deadlift (with a pause at the knee) + Hang Snatch
Take 15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy load on today’s complexes. See if you can meet last week’s numbers or surpass them with good form.
High Bar Back Squat
Fitness: 3×8 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from exposure 1
Performance Heavy 8
Try to beat last week’s heavy 8 by 5-10lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/HBBSQ e2/6
Fartlek Mile
Fartlek, which means “speed play” in Swedish combines aerobic low intensity work with more anerobic high intensity intervals. Generally the intervals are based on feel and somewhat unstructured. Play with this protocol for three laps around the block.
Julian Sets Up His Pull Mid WOD
- Happy Birthday, Elena Y!
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Please make note of these upcoming schedule changes at the gym.
Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day)
We will have a slightly modified AM schedule that day with classes at 7am, 8am, 9am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm
Friday, September 6th
There will be no PM open gym as we are hosting Mark Rippetoe for the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend. Morning and afternoon classes are on as normally scheduled.
Saturday, September 7th
There are no classes Saturday. We will instead be hosting a Track Workout in Red Hook if you’d like to get a WOD in.
Sunday, September 8th
There are no classes Sunday. We will instead be hosting a Flag Football Game and Social at Prospect Park. All are welcome to attend!
6 Tips for Not being a CrossFit A$$hole CrossFit IF
Golden Arches: Human Feet More Flexible Than We Thought NPR
6 Truths About Exercise That Nobody Wants to Believe HuffPo