As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes or:
20 Deadlifts 155/105
15 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Today at 2:30pm!!!!
The TTD Powerlifting meet is happening today starting at 2:30pm. All are welcome and encouraged to watch some of CFSBK’s strongest women hit the platform to test their strength. Excitement and awe-inspiring performances guaranteed! The event will last until around 5:30pm, so stop by for part of or all of the event. Beer is on us!
The Details:
Each woman will have three attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench, and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next. First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
Active Recovery on Sundays or early weekday AMs?
We’re thinking of launching a Sunday Active Recovery class on Sundays at 11am, would anyone be interested in that? Additionally, would you ever come to a 6am weekday AR class? Please let us know!
Save the date! Next Saturday the 18th we’re hosting our 2014 Community Paleo Potluck! Please save the date and RSVP with what you’ll be bringing to the event page linked above.
Sunday AR class! 6am- not so sure.
Great energy in today's bigger than normal 8am class. Got through 3 and 2/3s rounds at Rx. That was a gasser. Some great notes from Peter M. and Coach Fox that helped string my T2B together a little more efficiently.
I would love to hit AR on Tuesday and Friday rest days at 6am. I have been half heartedly looking for a morning yoga class those morning but this would be even better.
Yes, I would definitely like an 11 AM Sunday AR class — I would probably use it instead of Saturdays some weeks, maybe not both.
GET IT LADIES! Sorry I will miss Titsday (and the potluck, sigh). Hope there is lots of kicking of ass today.
WOD 5 rounds even with V-ups, otherwise Rx. Pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten that much done without the twin motivators of AOTM Peter directly across from me, and Brad K cheering behind me near the end.
8am with Mr. Fox. 4 rounds + 12 burpees Rx. High-rep deadlifts usually kill my hips and lower back, but today they felt fine. Lost my ability to string together T2B after the 2nd round. Real gasser.
I might do a weekday 6am AR class, depending on which day it was offered.
I'd definitely be into a 6am weekday AR class. I've been wanting to check AR out, but my kids/work schedule pretty much confines me to early classes, so I haven't yet been able to do so.
Good luck ladies!
11am class
4 rounds + 20/15/3
Ran to t2b and was unorganized in that last round. All deads in 2 sets, Burpees unbroken, and t2b in 5/5. Oof! Really glad to have the cash out after this.
Sunday AR would be great!
Really glad I had gotten all of my Crash b's workouts out of the way during the week so I could do this WOD. I love deadlifts and I hate hate hate burpees. 4 rounds plus 20 plus 5 – 105#, strict burpees (yuck) and v-tucks. Some day I will set aside time to figure out how to do toes-to-bar. Is it silly to have a long term goal not to hate burpees? Is it even possible?
Excited to go watch the ladies lift in a bit. Best of luck to all!
If anyone is looking for something to do afterwards, Stella is hosting her trivia night at my bar in DUMBO and you are all invited.68 Jay St Bar @ 7pm (corner of Water)
Good luck to everyone lifting today, going to try to make it in to cheer people on!
Made the 12 o'clock class, oof nice workout! Digging these harder Sundays.
Scaled to 135 because I'm still cautious about high rep deadlifts. I suspect I was rounding my back but couldn't really tell. Finished 3 rounds, 5 t2b short of 4. I took the 2nd round too cautiously, probably 20 seconds shy of finishing 4 rounds even (10 seconds of gasping and 10 seconds for those final 5 t2b).
I like that these are building up volume coming into the open so those workouts don't seem like such a shock. I'm on the fence about registering, though: I'm starting training for the North Face Endurance Challenge (marathon distance, Algonkian park near DC) in a week or two, and my training plan has me doing crossfit 2x/week, running intervals 2x/week, and one long run/week. I was thinking of cf Tuesdays and Fridays so I can maximize my lifting time – I think it makes more sense for my training to lift than to hit the open WODs. But maybe I could substitute open WODs for one set of intervals/week – the open is over early April and the race isn't until June, so I could still have 8 weeks or so of 2x/week intervals. Any opinions?
OH yeah, about AR:
I would almost certainly hit either Saturday AR or Sunday AR (except haha the above mentioned running I'll be doing for the next 16 weeks is going to savage my crossfit habit). I really enjoy AR class after workouts, and having more weekend morning flexibility would be great (although usually making 2 hours Saturday morning is fine and I really appreciate it already!).
There's no way I would make a 6am AR class with any regularity.
10am class – got through 5 rds and 14 DLs rx. T2Bs felt surprisingly tough after the burpees and deadlifts.
I would possibly due a Sunday AR.
Sunday AR class would be much appreciated!
11am class with Arturo and Melo
4 rounds + 20/15/7
If these damn Toes to Bar did not go to crap in the last round I would have hit my goal of 5 rounds. Deadlift broken 12 -8 for all rounds worked well. Burpees were definitely my limiting factor. Toes to bar unbroken for 2 round then 6-4 and last round lost my kip and it went to hell
4 rounds + 20 DL's Rx
Later ran 5k with Christine then 135x5x3 fsq from floor, 45# tkgu's 3 per side x2, and handstand practice. (killing time at Gleason's while kids box).
Weekends are my chance to get a big dose of fitness, so I would welcome Sunday AR and Sunday yoga if you are considering it.
Actually, I couldn't make Sunday 11 AR. It would have to be earlier.
Also a later yoga time on Saturday would be great. I have weekly appt from 9-10 so can't really make it in before 11.
Those are my selfish wishes.
10 am with Fox and Arturo.
Completed 4 rounds RX'd. Did the last toe to bar right at the bell.
6AM AR class would work for me. I would definitely go to it on rest days. Sunday is not as good, but it may work.
WoWOwOWWOw!!!!! Amazing, stong ladies! Thoroughly enjoyed TTD, Congrats to all! So much fun!
All in for a 6am weekday AR class! Also I'd love to be able to come on the weekends, but can't because I can usually only make 6am classes. So, just putting in a statement of support for earlier classes on the weekends, if anyone ever wants to teach then…
Sunday A/R please!
The FIFTH Titsday today was a blast, an inspiration, an awesome time, and a righteous testament to the deep commitment SBK has to strength and empowerment. I'm so glad Margie has kept this amazing event going; it's a privilege to be part of it.
Amazing lifting today, ladies!
OG afterward
Overhead Squat
45×5 95×4 135×3 165x3x3
Rack Jerk
135×2 165×2 185×2 205xF,F,F
No juice left overhead.
Finished out with some ring "ab swing outs" and ring dips.
Titsday was exciting and motivational. Everyone did an amazing job! Mare's deadlift was triumphant. I can't wait to see where Becca goes with her kick ass back squat, and everything else.
Clean x3 touch and go 63#, 83#
Clean and jerk 83×2, 93×2
C&J(bw)103×6 or so with 2-3 mins rest. I wasn't dropping down but was feeling good. Friday I wasn't able to get 103 at all. 110-FAILx3. Hopefully I get it next time.
Deadlift 95×5 125x3x5
Dips, failed muscle ups, handstand practice, another fail when I couldn't get back from a skin the cat.
Ken, I need rings class ASAP!!!!
AR on Sundays would definitely appeal
I'd definitely be down for Sunday AR
Today's WOD – 5 rounds + 7 burpees
This was a lot harder than it sounded for me. Was just very gassed throughout. Probably went out too fast, even though I tried to pace. Fun and interesting WOD though, pretty different from what we've been doing so far this cycle.
4rds + 20/15/0 at 135# DL
Great job by all the strong ladies of CFSBK today.