Fitness: Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Snatch Deadlift (with a pause at the knee) + Touch and Go Squat Snatch
Take 15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy load on today’s complexes. See if you can meet last week’s numbers or surpass them with good form.
High Bar Back Squat
Fitness: 3×8 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from exposure 3
Performance Heavy 3
Try to beat last week’s heavy 8 by 5-10lbs. Use Spotters.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/HBBSQ e4/6
Choose one to perform:
8 Minutes of Kipping Pull-Up Practice
5 sets of 2 Strict Pull-ups with as little assistance as possible
The buy in for kipping pull-up practice is 5 strict pull-ups for the guys and 3 strict pull-ups for the ladies.
A tradition for CFSBK is to start most classes with intros and a Question of the Day (QOD) while we do basic movement prep. The intention behind this practice is to help break the ice between members and establish an informal and welcoming tone to every class.
What are your opionions of this practice and what are some of your most memorable QODs?
- Want to improve your gymnastics? Check out the upcoming Gymnastics Strength Series with Ken H starting on the 14th.
CFSBKer Radhika Vaz Performing Again
“At 40 I have the confidence I wish I’d had at 20, the body I hope I’ll have at 60, and nose hair. At 40 there is a lot of nose hair.”
Written and performed by Radhika Vaz.
- Sept 25, 26, 27, 28 @ 8pm. Sept 29 @ 7pm.
The Producers Club. 358 W 44th Street. NYC.
SUPER SALE $12 tickets at GROUPON! Instead of $25 at the door!
For more information check out
Programming Training Intensity for Weightlifters ATG