After warm-ups, take 12 Minutes to work up to a heavy single on the Clean and Jerk.
Post best load to comments.
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
Row 1000m
Post time to comments.
Thanks to all who came out to the Ice Skating social last night! We ended up with 23 CFSBKers on the ice!
- Reminder that we added a 1pm Group class on Sundays effective this weekend!
- CFSBK’s CrossFit Open team is now 80 strong and remains the 5th largest team in the world!
What is the CrossFit Open?
The Open is the first phase of the competitive CrossFit season. This is a worldwide competition in which one workout is posted every week for five weeks (starting Thursday, February 27th) to find the fittest folks out there. The workouts are intentionally designed to be a little more inclusive than even the average CrossFit workout to maximize participation. That being said, you’ll need some basic competency in the most common exercises. To see what last year’s workouts looked like, click here. Folks will have an opportunity to complete the workout every Saturday, as well as some Open Gym hours at the gym. If you’re on the fence about it, we recommend signing up anyway since we’ll already be doing them at the gym. At the end, you’ll see how you rank against the gym, your region, and the world. More than 138,000 people participated in the Open last year, and this year, the worldwide competition will be even broader and more inclusive.
Registration for the 2014 CrossFit Open can be found here.
Klokov does a 418lb Thruster
I am an athlete
Oh shit. I was going to drunk post something and then I saw that thruster. Never mind. so badass. much respect. sleep. night.
I <3 Klokov. BTW – is that Annie T. on the left?
Has anyone seen/accidentally pick up my black Klean Kanteen insulated thermos? I brought it to Tough Tits Day and haven't seen it since then ๐ Would greatly appreciate being reunited with it. And i'll never be so ungrateful and crude as to leave it behind again!
OMG that thruster!!!
Full post from yesterday: "Grace" in 3:20 at 65# (prev time at this weight was just under 5:00, so big PR), 1000m row in 4:25 (obvi, not even close to a PR). Total time was 8:15 with the transition to the erg. Loved this workout – and next time we do Grace I'm upping it to 75#, baby!
Can I just say how much I enjoyed that that thruster happened while Get Up by Ciara was playing in the background?
#145 heavy clean and split jerk, near 1rm
#115 grace in 6:16, regular jerk
1000m row in 4:01, totally gassed from grace
113# on C&J, failed 118 again. Gah.
Grace 24 reps Rx in the 5:00 cap. Wish there'd been a 7 minute cap for our class, I'm sure I would have finished! Row 4:10.6.
8am with Melissa and David
Partnered with Alex for the day. New PR in the C&J at 195#. I know I had 200# but I ran out of time and I had a WOD to get to.
Did Miss Grace Rx'd in 6:00 even. Blasted through the last three in record time trying to beat the time cap just in time to hear it raised to 7:00.
The row was a pitiful 4:09. The first 5 meters were a piece of cake but the remaining 995 broke me down.
10 am then AR, lovely weekend morning.
Started grace Rx but fell back to 115 after 15 reps so I could keep moving. Some disagreement with my partner about my count but I think it was 25 or so in 5 minutes. I was surprised at how hard I found this and how gassed I was for the row… Much harder than Wednesday's snatch workout. I started to get disappointed at going down mid workout and finding the whole thing so hard, but I reminded myself that I've been adding weight over the last 6 months and now at least try most workouts Rx… So I'm improving, even if it sometimes feels like I'm going backwards.
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!
And thank you whoever posted the paleo chicken tinga recipe, it was delicious!
Made it to the 10am class despite a pretty impressive hangover. Worked up to 145# on the c&j. Jerks felt super sloppy today, which is what I get for missing every Saturday class this cycle. Grace rx'd in 3:39. Had very little juice left for the row, which I finished in 4:02. I think I might have pulled a hamstring or something? Rolled it out, but no significant improvement so far. Consider me crushed.
Crush week has caught up with me. I was weak throughout today.
Only got up to 145 on the C&J.
Only got 20 reps in the allotted 5 minutes @115 (and there were a few fails in there).
Finished the row in a very slow 4:18.
Go home, Samir. You might not be drunk, but you're out of it.
Noon class!
22 reps @ #52. My last max I topped out at last week in clean split jerk was #60. My partner Grace (awesome name obv) did amazing at #52, just gunned for it instead of the 45% weight . Pleasantly surprised with that 5:00 cap! Wished I could've finished it though haha . Curious to see what happens next time I do this wod again. Rowing 1000m was a lil rough but glad /surprised I got through it. Fun way to end my crush week!!
Holy crap Klokov. I am in awe.
@Laura Mc- Oh no! I hope your hamstring is ok. Awesome job on Grace tho!
I was excited to do this workout at 95# even tho I'd never done it before and that's pretty darn close to my recent 1rm of 123#.
I got pretty timid on the jerks at around 15 and was pausing too long at the top of the clean. Finally switched to split jerks at around 17 which felt much better and confidence came back a bit. Regardless it was a struggle.
Ended up with 21. Ugh if only I could have finished. New goal!
AR afterwards. Body feels tired now in the best way possible.
4:34 Grace, RX / 4:24 row
I beat my old Grace score by about 1.5 minutes so that was a great way to start saturday. ๐ Instead of doing sets of 5, 5, 5, then a big mess of 2s and 1s (which is what I did last time), I did sets of 3 consistently from the beginning. 3 reps, drop, rest for a 3 count, then back on. Felt waaay better and consistent than last time. Arturo gave me some good tips about grip width that helped too.
I hate rowing. But I'm getting a little better every time. ๐
Ended the afternoon with a great AR session upstairs. Thanks David!
Nice group for our 10AM yoga class this morning. We now have yoga blankets to use as props upstairs so we can do all sorts of other fun things!! HOORAY!
11am group class
Worked up to 115# on power C&J, just 3# off of my 1RM c&j from last wk. there's def more there but wasn't feeling super put together/coordinated today.
Grace RX'ed
-23 reps before the 5:00 cap. I finished that last rep at 4:53, but knew I wouldn't fit another one in. If I hadn't adjusted my plates before the last couple reps, I would've gotten 24. That was kinda silly/unnecessary.
-This felt better than I expected. Focused on squeezing bar up, not pulling too early. Still have a bad habit of doing so as well as not dropping under, so def hit my chest a few times with the bar.
-Did push jerks for at least the first 10, maybe 15? I can't remember. Then switched to split jerk. I bailed every rep; for me the energy to control the bar down at that weight just wasn't worth the extra time to set it up. from scratch. Stayed right on the bar for the first 5, then another 4 or 5, then started to take a bit more time to shake it out and reset.
-I know I have this habit of sometimes sounding like Monica Seles during a tennis match. Comes out with repeated full exertions, like today's WOD and the 250m row sprints. It would take a lot of conscious effort to not grunt when sh*t gets hard/heavy/intense, but I wonder if I am wasting energy and if it's worth trying to stop? I also realize it might be sort of annoying for other people…
Hit a personal record clean and jerk at 165.
No lifting shoes actually made me feel more stable. Maybe I just have to get use to them more.
Grace at 95# (probably could have ground through 115)
Row 1000 (felt like I was pulling wet bags of sand through tar) but Matt Katz kept me on pace.
That thruster was redic.
Can't wait for Mario Kart!
Power clean & jerk – Worked up to 198, which was pretty light, but was using it more as a warm-up for Grace.
Grace – 2:52 Rx'd – PR by over a minute, which I was expecting since I hadn't done it in some time, but a nice way to start nonetheless.
Row – got a terrible exertion headache as this started and almost just gave up on it, but finished in 3:59.
Noon Class with McDowell and Arturo.
I popped my cherry with Grace!! 3:35 Rx. I really did not know what to expect so I'm happy.
broke it down 3×3, 5×2, then all singles after that. The row was as expected total murder for 4 mins even.
just watched Klokov's Thruster. Time to go cry in my corner. He is a monster!!!
First time doing C+Js and Grace. The warm-ups got me comfortable, allowing for:
30 Reps @ 95# in 4:40. 6x6x6x4x3x3x2
1000m Row in 4:05.
Felt good when finished. Glad I focused on form being my first serious C+Js.
Both McDowell and Arturo have been extremely helpful and informative through my first week, making sure I am doing all lifts efficiently and safely. Thank you!
AR with the inimitable D.O. Went in feeling creaky, came out all smoothed out.
Loved this one. As usual, Melissa helped me figure out the perfect weight. Did Grace at 63# in 4:46. Row was 4:16. Watching Jess finish grace in under 3:00 was inspirational.
2:41 and 4:03
10am group class:
Grace in 2:55 rx'd
-did 10 fast reps in under 30 secs which was a mistake. This left me gassed and I could only do about 3-4 reps linked after that and then singles.
-Next time, I'll hit reps of 5 with rest throughout to keep moving.
1000m Row in about 4:29
-wasn't trying to get a gold medal in this at all. just tried to keep moving. splits well above 2:05 throughout. should have pushed harder though.
thanks to Brandon and Lauara Mc. who were great partners through Grace! This burned and I had Fran cough for a couple hours afterwards. Very glad I hit by sub 3:00 goal but I still think I should be faster in this.
@ladyfox your time is ++++ I wish the blog was emoji enabled. I need the the praying hands to fully express myself.
@melo please post your workouts!
Noon class with McDowell and Arturo
I have been having crazy dreams/nightmares and even though I sleep 7-9 hours a night wake up tired. I failed at 103# and wasn't feeling like I had anything to give to this workout. McDowell gave some sound advice and I just held in the back of mind that it was only 5 minutes.
75# 4:22 I tend to push press and forget the last dip, get under the bar when I get tired. Mcdowell was there for a reminder that kept me moving.
I was a quitter on the row. Twice I just stopped at sat there. Finished at 4:57 ๐
Then rings class, minus the rings. Had some fun with handstand walks and cool stuff on the pirouettes.
I did not do a pirouette on the parallettes.
Whit, personally I love your grunts during intense lifts, so. There's that.
Ditto to Crystal: Ms. Fox, I was so impressed by you yet again today. Amazing!
Partnered with Whit and Ellie, and I can echo most of Whit's post. I got 22 reps Rx-ed, though I switched to split jerks almost immediately, mostly bailing after each, with a couple fails (including one where I uppercut myself with the bar). Regardless, I'm so glad Ellie encouraged me to do it Rx-ed instead of going for a weight I know I could finish in. Room to grow in actually dropping under the bar for the jerks, instead of pressing out. And despite how eff-ed up I felt afterwards (spilled my water twice, and left both of my water bottles at the gym), I kind of want to do it again super soon. Like, next week. ๐ 4:40 on the row, meh, I wasn't trying hard.
Godspeed and super strength tomorrow, gentlemen! Can't wait to hear how it goes.