21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Thrusters, 95/65
Kipping Pull-Ups
Scale the workout appropriately and work on your discomfort tolerance today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 2.13.13
Congratulationt to Matt Cohen and his wife on the birth of Violet!
Violet Octavia Cohen, 7 lbs and 10 ounces, was born at 2:02 AM on September 19th after only 90 minutes of labor. She was almost born in the car, and I missed the actual delivery in the five minutes it took for me to park after dropping my wife off at the hospital door. Violet was in such a big hurry to get out, but now all she does is sleep.
Happy Birthday Emily V!
MEAT and VEG CSA Pickup Today, 6-8:30 PM!
Please remember that today is the October meat and chicken delivery date, as well as the weekly vegetable CSA delivery.
Private and Semi Private Yoga Sessions with Whitney
Crush Week beating you up? Take a bit of extra time to recover with yoga. Whitney offers private, semi-private, and small-group sessions in which she tailors the practice to each individual. Sessions can include restorative poses and deep stretches specific to your own personal sore, stuck, and painful post-WOD business.
25 Abandoned Yugoslavia Monuments that look like they’re from the Future
Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results WSJ
Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit