Amy M Representing CFSBK in…. New Jersey? No, wait.. India!
Inside the Affiliate
In case you missed it yesterday, there’s a new post over on ITA about our fancy big screen that hangs above the platforms, and about our snazzy Mario Kart 64 tournament last Sunday night. If you’ve enjoyed our events at the gym that revolve around said screen, we’d looove it if you repped the post on social media. Get the word out, CFSBKers! We want to change the world, one affiliate at a time!
Do you like doing stuff?!
Do you like doing stuff with other cool people who enjoy doing stuff?? CFSBK is working hard to accomdoate novel and interesting experiences for all our members, here are some events we’ve got in the pipeline for the next few weeks.
02/15/14 CFSBK Endurance Running Program Info Session
02/22/14 LFPB Challenge Wrap-up Dinner and Awards Ceremony
03/01/14 Snowshoe Hike Daytrip
03/08/14 UFC Fight Night at CFSBK
It’s Valentines day! What are your plans or anti-plans for the evening?
A Brief History of Sex at the Olympics Time
Uzbekistan Is Using Genetic Testing to Find Future Olympians The Atlantic
Nation’s Girlfriends Admit Absolutely Everything Riding On Valentine’s Day
AMRAP 5 minutes
15 KB Swing
10 Goblet Squat
5 Push Up
Rest 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Use a load on the KB that challenges you.
AMRAP 5 minutes
5 Power Snatch 115/75
5 Overhead Squat
10 Burpee
Rest 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
If you're newer to CrossFit, or aren't yet proficient at cycling the Olympic lifts for time, then opt for the Fitness WOD today. You'll get more of a metabolic stimulus and will avoid practicing poor positions in a complex movement under duress.
Serious ankle problems. I think that I need to see somebody. I haven't ripped or torn anything, but I feel like I could with any step. Seriously tweaked.
Happy Valentine's day, ladies!
Rita and I will be at grand central oyster bar here on 5th ave. Can you say bloody mary oyster shooters? I mean, you had me at hello!
I will be having a romantic dinner in San Francisco with my coworker and then praying my flight home isn't canceled. I mean, it's beautiful out here so it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be stranded — but I don't want to be stuck here for several days, as I'm afraid might be the case given how many other flights have been canceled lately!
Cross your fingers that you'll see a very sleepy me in AR tomorrow after I get home on the red eye.
The Valentine's Day Plan is this: Go to Montauk and have dinner at the Shagwong. Does it make sense to go to Montauk in this kind of weather? Not really, no.
6am with Nick and McDowell
Wettest, slushiest, iciest commute in recent memory.
Did yesterday's C&J workout with the LFPBC test.
C&J felt fine. I hit 185# twice and then tried to move up to 195# which is my PR and a weight I pretty much own if I was split jerking. The push jerk was the limiter and I failed at about forehead height. And I looked silly.
So so happy with my improvement on the LFPBC test. Six weeks ago I got through 8 rounds plus 2 pull ups and 49 calories. This morning was 9 rounds plus 5 pull ups and 5 push ups plus 54 calories rowed.
Taking Ms. Paddock out for a romantic date and beat my capacity test score by three rounds. Start to a great weekend.
^^ Looking forward to said date with Mrs. Elwell (and I think Dave enjoys being off the hook!)
sexy date with Inka @ 5:30. bow chicka wow!
…then…sabotaging my real date by refusing to change out of my sweatpants–cause I'm the grumpiest girl ever. Give me a couch, a movie, and my pup. No frills please. It freaks me out.
…as does the embarrassing delivery of flowers on my desk from my mom and dad because they love to embarrass me in front of my students who are convinced I'm hiding a secret husband/fiance.
although I'll take all the chocolate…because dark chocolate.
6am – it was nasty getting to the gym today, but a hell of a lot better than my walk home last night at around 930 when it was raining pretty hard and the corners were all like cold scum-filled ponds. At least some of the overnight snow helped to solidify that mess a bit.
Worked up to 105# on the C&J. I don't think I've ever done push jerks before. I like it. Then on the LFPBC test, I did 7 rounds (ring rows rather than pullups) plus 5 ring rows and 3 pushups and 42 cals rowed. I thought it was a lot of fun, though I am looking forward to being able to do a bunch of pullups rather than having to scale to ring rows (the strength is pretty close to there, I just need to get my golfer's elbow that flares up with pullups under a little more control).
As for Valentine's Day, my wife and I have always opted out because it feels like extortion. So we'll probably just put the kids to bed, make a cocktail or two and watch a movie on the couch.
6am. Hang clean + push jerk: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215. No missed reps, though a small press-out on the last 2 jerks. I experimented with keeping my hands much more open for the jerks today and grabbing the bar after the dip drive. Liked it. Drive felt explosive. Just need to drop down a bit more.
Capacity test: 11 rounds + 4 pull-ups and 65 calories. Compares to 10 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 5 push-ups and 63 calories the last time. Push-ups blew up on the last 2 rounds or I might have hit 12 rounds.
V-day will involve a nice bottle of wine with the wife after the kiddies go to bed.
Just like my birthday last week, my plans are the same as my normal Friday night plans: OG with friends. It's my favorite thing. So happy (and lucky!) that this miserable month starts with two weeks of self-pampering. I'm feeling very loved and refreshed going into the final stretch of winter. Happy Valentine's Day, all!!!
8am class
Clean and Jerk
Worked to 215. Felt good.
11 +5/2
59 cals
Jess and I are bucking the system and cooking a nice meal at home tonight.
Went back to Flagship CrossFit for a second WOD this morning. I can now say I recommend this box — I got some good pointers on my clean today.
WOD part 1: EMOTM for 10 minutes (11 rounds total); increase weight on odd-numbered rounds if form is good
1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
65, 75, 85, 90, 95
Then rest 5 minutes
WOD part 2: 3 deadlifts EMOTM for 10 minutes (11 rounds total), increase weight on odd-numbered rounds if form is good
135, 165, 185, 195, 205, 210
I hope this box does well as it's the only one in downtown SF, so I would love to have somewhere to go on a regular basis when I do client travel.
first off, I read Matty C.'s first sentence a little too fast and thought it said "wettest, sluttiest…" Damn those 6am-ers are a frisky bunch. 😉
8am class today:
Clean and Push Jerk:
83, 103, 123
-nothing groundbreaking here. I'm feeling ridiculously sore from the past week, particularly Wednesday's snatch/ring dip combo so I'm just happy I could hold a bar overhead.
Capacity test:
8 rounds plus 5 pullups…or 9 rounds plus 5 pullups.
-I was rushing straight from squats to the final pullups and know that I didn't swipe my whiteboard. However, I can't remember if I swiped it afterwards before the row so it's either 8 or 9 rounds. Either I'm 3 reps shy of when I did it in January (which I'm ok with considering how sore I am), or almost a full round ahead.
3:00 row–48 calories
-2 more calories than in Jan.
Typically Chris and I would go out to dinner on a Friday night, but because it's V-day we're staying away from the overpriced, overly red 'holiday'. Looking forward to wine and a delicious restaurant quality meal at home.
Sounds like I am lucky to find a spot with regular prices and regular menus!
7am with Nick, Tomorrow's WOD
This one was deceptive, much much harder than I thought it would be, managed 3 cycles of each movement plus an avg of 14 KB swings @24kg, stayed consistent throughout. Really struggled with keeping my heels down.
Dinner at Fonda with my lovely lady and then counting down the minutes to midnight to fire up the margarita maker. I kiiiid, dinner will be followed by cuddles.
GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE ROWERS TOMORROW!!!!!!!! you worked really hard for this.
Question for MGMT:
Is Active Recovery open to just SBKers or open to all? A friend of mine has been sharing that she feels really stiff, especially her back. I was telling her about AR and she's interested in coming to AR with me tomorrow. She is not an SBKer nor a crossfitter. Is this Kosher?
Oh & Happy V-day!
just like last valentine's day, i'm spending it with my one true love: pizza
6am with Nick and McDowell
In terms of how I felt walking into class, this was my roughest morning at the gym, maybe ever. I felt as if I had just gotten out of the hospital or something. I do have a bit of bronchitis, so maybe it was just that and difficulty getting the old adrenaline going at 6am, but just looking at the empty barbell for warmups was intimidating.
Push Jerks: 135 felt like someone was hitting my shoulders with a sledgehammer. I stayed at that weight and then did one at 155 at the end. This is an awkward movement for me that I always feel in my back. Need to work harder at keeping my ribs locked down I suppose, but that means more shoulder mobility I think, and that just wasn't happening this am, so I'm glad I stayed at this weight.
Anyway, the bodyweight stuff went better, as it usually does:
LFPB challenge workout: got 11 rounds + 5 pullups and 6 pushups, followed by 56 calories on the row. This was compared to to 9 rounds, 5 pullups, and 10 pushups the last time, and 52 on the row. Fun workout.
I got a babysitter for tonight but my wife and I are probably too wiped out to do much more than go out for dinner.
$50 Inov-8s on The Clymb today if you don't mind the color red (as in RED!!) Valentine's Day special maybe.
10am – tomorrow's fitness workout. After sooooo many push ups this week, 5 seemed like 50. Still, I was consistently able to finish 4 rounds plus a few KBs each time, which felt pretty good.
For Valentines Day, I'm taking my kids to see the Globetrotters. There is going to be a whole lot of love in the Barclay's center tonight.
Yes AR is open to anyone.
If I'm up for it myself and a few friends are going to the Belle House to see…. "UNLOVEABLE: A SMITHS & MORRISSEY VALENTINES DAY: FEATURING LEGENDARY NYC TRIBUTE BAND THE SONS & HEIRS"
I love the Smiths! But I also feel like shit and am working on a personal record of how many boxes of tissues I can go through in one day. Hopefully I'll come around a little.
Today was a mess of a morning. I toppled into a snowbank off of the hood of the car when I was trying to clean it off – the hazards of being a shorty.
Once I got to the box almost 10 minutes late like a jerk, class went similarly…I didn't realize that we weren't pulling off the floor until 3/4 of the way through lifts, despite being two feet behind Fox and, you know, being able to read with a whiteboard of instructions at my convenience. Worked my way up to 93#, which didn't feel heavy but felt just about as messy as snow-filled pants.
Lastly, I forgot my water bottle, like a dummy.
V-Day plans – cooking dinner in and wine & a movie on the couch. Also, cheesecake.
David, you need to neti pot!!
Becca — bring her! I'm a total AR evangelist. I've gotten one friend to haul in from Manhattan for it and I'm about to bring another on Sunday. Have also gotten my husband, who doesn't do CF (but does do powerlifting on his own) to join me on a regular basis for AR.
I am seriously counting the hours until tomorrow's AR class. Regardless of whether DO puts it in the programming, I am going to gut-smash like a CHAMP after I get off the redeye.
DO – the Sons and Heirs put on a great show. The singer Ronissey does his best recreating all of Morrissey's mannerisms and affectations and the band sounds pretty damn great. So get better or drag yourself to the Bell House. Besides I can't think of a better way to spend Valentines day sick than listening to some miserable Moz songs.
Did tomorrows Fitness Wod at 7am with Nick and McDowell.
Got a total of 8 rounds, 3, 3, 2 with the 32kg KB. This was much harder then I imagined, especially on my lower back. Goblet squats was the limiting factor.
Nick gave good pointers on how to not rest between movements instead get right at the next one, do at least a few reps and then rest as needed. This didn't make things easier, but faster.
Will spend the night at home with wife, meat, wine and ice cream.
So, an old man with a grizzled white beard just biked past my apartment down 4th Ave on a unicycle, holding the leash of a large dog that was keeping pace alongside him. Functional fitness at its finest?
Thankful for the sunshine on this Hallmark-ed of days!
Fearing that her boyfriend didn't have anything planned for Valentine's Day, she asked "do you even know what February 14th is?"
"What day of the week is that?" He answered.
"Friday is squat day."
I thought I was impervious to the powers of Valentine's Day until I stumbled upon This American Life's Google Doodle for today. Lovely, sweet, sad, romantic, funny… dammit, they got me!
Behind the bar tonight at The Odeon, and then I've got a hot date with an appellate brief. xoxo
8am with Noah and McD
C+J was sluggish and ugly. Got up to 205 – but it wasn't pretty and still feeling sore in my shoulders, so left it alone to do battle another time.
Capacity Test: Hit 10 rounds, the pull ups and 3 push ups which compares favorably with the 8 rounds even last time. Shedding the 'weight vest' probably helps. Having Fox next to me to keep me moving was also a bonus. Although how he kept going when I began to fatigue badly is both a mystery and impressive. Rowing sucked last time, sucked this time and will still suck next time. That said, 52 cals – up from 45 so its an improvement. For the Erg, I have Noah to thank telling me to keep moving and not rest or I would have finished with 12 cals.
Pretty pleased all in all with the improvement – but clearly still plenty of room for getting better. May try it again in 6 weeks to shoot for 11 +5/3
Oh and Valentines Day = Hallmark Holiday BS. Commercial nonsense where we all get guilted into doing stuff and buying stuff for no good reason. Pre-cooked generic meals in over-priced restaurants surrounded by people looking for an escape from the miserable conversation they're engaged in. Definitely not for me.
I'll be eating a nice steak and probably watching an action movie at home.
Valentine's Day… took Penny to the dog run for an impromptu date with her special friend Jackson (they like to run and wrestle), treated myself to the most delicious mocha ever from Southside Coffee, and will head to OG for funtimez with friends in a bit!
David, I know Ronnie, the lead singer of the Sons and Heirs. My ex-boyfriend was the bass player in their band for quite a little while. If you've never seen them live, they're pretty amazing!
Going off track here for some hate.
Morrisey is the worst singer ever, in the worst band ever…The Smiths. Sadness and melancholy are neither gift nor talent!
Happy Valentines Day 🙂
I'm surprised nobody has plans that involve whiskey or a house of cards binge (season 2 dropped today in case you didn't know). That would be my night if I wasn't hitting the tennis court to introduce some friends to Friday night drinking doubles.
Crunchtime with kreecespeeces:
Still easing back into squatting…. 20 reps of 100#
Should be okay to go up to about 75% my normal work weight pain free by next week. Yuuuup!
Metcon FGB style 1 min each:
Wall ball
Box jump
Ended with 353 reps or so. I WISH this was my FGB score.
TABATA cash out:
…staircase sprints
That. was. gnarly!
OG followed by
ValentinesCheat Day Pizza with a little crew.Snatch
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80xF,F,1 82xF,F,F 70×1,1,1
Didn't eat properly today (stupid idea to try to go low-carb for rest day yesterday and today until intra-workout) so I was feeling lightheaded after most heavy attempts. Lesson learned. Eat carbs every day.
Clean and jerk
70×1 80xF,1 90×1 95×1 102xF,F 90×1,F,1
95 clean was super easy so tried for a little PR at 102 and Clarked both attempts.
Unbelted pause squats
135×5 185×4 245x3x3
Surprised myself by getting all these up, it's getting pretty heavy. Then tried for a single unbanded GHR, just to see where I was at, and was rewarded with a brutal double calf cramp!!
Worked the cramps out and finished up with some handstand practice and 3×6 ab wheel roll outs from knees.
OG tonite turned out to be the best day of lifting I have ever managed to put together. PR snatch, PR Clean and Jerk, PR Clean, and PR total.
290M(Threw this over my head. I have never pulled harder in my life.)
Clean and Jerk
352M (PR clean, missed the jerk)
**Tonites total puts me 4kg over the national qualifying total.**
Clean pulls@ 374×6, x5, x4