Fitness: 3×5 Across
Should be getting a bit heavier but you still get all 15 reps.
Performance: 2×5, 1xMax Reps <10
Add 2.5-5lbs from last week. The lower your reps get on the rep out, the less aggressive of a jump you should take.
Post loads to comments.
Bench Press e5/6
Today’s conditioning workout involves Wall Ball and Burpees… come in and see what it is!
Post times and rx to comments.
Maxine doing the recent dumbbell clean WOD
- CSA members: Please remember that your share will be delivered this Wednseday since the normal date fell on the new year. If you’re interested on our CSA with Herondale and Sol Flower farms, click here.
- The TTD Powerlifting Meet is happening this Sunday at 2:30pm. This event is open and free to all, if you want to see some of CFSBK’s TFBAs attempt to PR their Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift at our in-house meet.
Good Training Habits
While it’s our responsibility as coaches to teach you movement, program intelligently and keep you safe, it’s your responsibility as athletes to develop good training habits. Here is an overview of three great habits that will significantly enrich your training experience.
Be Proactive With Your Movement Prep
Everyone needs to do a little personalized maintenance on their bodies. Even 10 minutes of DIY movement prep before class can go a long way in keeping you fit and pain free. After you’ve signed in and changed, take advantage of the time you’ve got and start moving.
Row an easy 300-500m on the erg. Get your heart rate up a little and try to get a light sweat going. We recommend holding 20 strokes per minute and rehearsing good form.
Stretch/Foam Roll
Many of us know where our tightest areas are, they’re the ones that make it difficult to squat below parallel or press a barbell overhead. Spend a few minutes mobilizing and doing some soft tissue work (foam roller/LAX ball, etc) on your “problem areas”. If you don’t know where to begin, ask a coach what you should be prioritizing and we’ll help you out. We also regularly refer our members to out Active Recovery classes and This is great resource for folks who need simple, effective strategies to help them move better.
Log all your Workouts
Training without logging is like driving without a road map. You don’t know where you’ve been or where you’re going. Taking notes on each training session helps you track your progress and helps us make informed decisions about how to assist you in choosing weights and scaling movements. Each day should list some quantitative and qualitative notes about your training session. Here is an example:
5 Snatch PP (22lb bar)
5 Muscle Snatch
10 Push-ups on knees
(Move up to yellow bar)
AMRAP 15 minutes:
Row 350m
12 Overhead Squats, 45lbs
4 Rounds + 320m
Kept rows at about 2:23 splits, felt hard but doable. Don’t shift forward during overhead squats…. Mid foot!
You can track your workouts in a journal or on line. Us coaches LOVE to read the details of your workout in the comments section. It gives us a deeper perspective into your training and the programming in general.
Start Slow and Maintain Perspective
We take our training seriously at CrossFit South Brooklyn and with that comes with a good deal of responsibility. Our movement pool uses serious strength and conditioning exercises in order to develop a broad, inclusive fitness. If we don’t treat these movements and workouts with respect, training plateaus and injuries are sure to follow. The best way to ensure your success and training longevity with us is by starting slowly and developing a rock-solid technical base. In fact, the first few months you start CrossFit, intensity should not be a significant concern. The movements are potent enough that just consistently performing them will create a favorable adaptation. After you feel really comfortable with most of our exercises and have a working knowledge of your weights, only then should you start ramping up the intensity.
Training with a life long perspective is incredibly important, remember that you’re here to build yourself up not break yourself down. Scaling workouts properly, listening to your body and checking your ego at the door will allow you to workout successfully for years to come. Most importantly, have fun with this stuff and enjoy the process.
Larry’s Chinese Weightlifting Experience Part 1- Snatches & Squats ATG