Partner WOD
In teams of two with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
100 Squats
75 Burpees
50 Handstand Push Ups
25 Muscle Ups
50 Pull Ups
50 Scaled HSPU
100 Burpees
100 Squats
Trackback Thursday
The Sport of Kettlebell (Really! It’s a thing!)
If you’re interested, Ruth would love for you to join her! Contact her directly for more info or with any questions at ruthpardee [at]
Olympic Lifting AM Cycle Wants YOU
The PM Olympic Lifting Cycle with Coach Frankie Murray is sold out, but no fear! The AM cycle still has a few slots left and we need YOU to fill them. (You know who you are!) Spend the next eight weeks focusing on proper technique, mobility, and your individual weak points with an outstanding Olympic lifting coach, who has medaled at five separate National Championships. Learn more here.
AM Cycle
5/29/14 – 7/17/14
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Register Here!
Are you signed up for the Olympic Lifting Program? Tell us what you’re most looking forward to improving.
Adaptation Error: Cool Down MobilityWOD
How Being Poor Makes You Sick The Atlantic
Hell, Envisioned: 50 Kids Play Recorders on the Subway Gawker
Yesterday’s workout:
Snatch complex: 65, 75, 80, 85, 90. Really focusing on form. Everything felt pretty snappy until 90. Combination of being tired and anxious about the weight. I have a tendency to try to get as many reps in as possible and then burn out fast by the end. Trying to focus on keeping my arms loose/not tense, and getting my knees out of the way on the first pull. McD noticed that my shoulders and legs were not moving together (as per a deadlift) so focused on this correction later.
LBBSQ @ 185x3x5. Felt really sluggish. Did not have any pop in my legs.
Excited about the start of the Olympic lifting class next week – I intend to go Klokov all over that program. What am I most looking forward to improving: With the snatch – confidence under the bar when the weight increases and timing issues (Smoothing out the transition between first and second pull, finishing straight with a nice shrug to get the bar up, dropping fast, etc.). Clean and Jerk: More timing stuff (transition from fist to second pull, getting low enough fast enough for the jerk.)
Wonder Twinz in the house! 15:31 Rx except for piked HSPU.
WHOOF, warmup was tough. I need mad abs like my Wonder Twin.
4:30p class yesterday.
worked up to a nice big (f) at 73# for snatch. It's less about the weight and more about dropping under the bar which apparently I am completely handicapped at. The pull was at eye level so there's really very little reason it couldn't have been a success.
LBBSQ 140x4x4 and 145x4x4 – this is feeling heaaaavvvyyyyy… oomph. Got through it and then had to slowly walk home as I was totally fried.
Really digging the 2-lift day cycle. Feeling like I'm making big improvements across the board and breaking past some plateaus in the overhead stuff.
Tweaked my back doing deadlifts on Tuesday, so I'm taking a few days off. It's getting better though! Hoping to get back for some squats tomorrow.
I signed up for the PM Olympic Lifting program and I'm really looking forward to developing some skill with the lifts. Right now, I'm strong enough to muscle weight up, but I could do so much more if I could more efficiently get under the bar during both lifts. Can't wait!
6am. Perf version Rx in 22:10. Partnered with Roy who thankfully "volunteered" to do the perf version with me. Did a few HSPUs and MUs during warmup and everything felt snappy. After blasting through the squats and burpees without problem we hit a wall at the HSPUs. I was expecting to do sets of 5 or so. Barely managed sets of 3 and dropped to 2's at the end. MUs were similarly rough. Did sets of 2 the whole way. That was a sweaty workout.
I'd really love to do the olympic lifting program, but neither set of class times is feasible for me. 5:30am anyone?
Yeah, Wonder Twinz! I thought this workout was so fun! My pull ups were off today but since it was a partner WOD I got to rest between sets, which was nice. Did mostly sets of 3s and then down to 2s at the end. 15:31, boom.
Yesterday: PRed my snatch at 101# (up from 98#) and it felt great! So exciting and some great tips from Ro. Then high bar squats, 127.5#x4x4 and 132.5#x4x4. I am SO SORE from these today. Inner thighs, quads, butt. Woof. Can't wait for Memorial Day Weekend! I have four days off from work – word.
Live orchestral accompaniment sounds awesome! Some action movie scores or maybe the finale to the 1812 Overture (with dropped barbells in place of cannons), or Ride of the Valkyries? Hell yes.
It's been a rough couple of weeks away from the gym, and everything is feeling really, really heavy. BUT, David gave me my first pair of lifting shoes, and I don't know, something tells me they have powers.
Between my new shoes and Whit helping me with my bracing… I think I'm making a comeback.
Thank you so much, David! Can't wait to start lifting in the new shoes!
fyi, Elisa and I just switched from 10:30am murph to 8:15 (totally gonna regret that) so there's now 2 available slots
are you looking for someone to split a vegetable CSA share with?
i got some folks who are looking for a buddy – email me stat! mignyc at gmail dot com
To follow up on Michele's post – I am interested in sharing a veg CSA! We can split through the summer and then it would be all yours from mid-September to the end of the season.
You can email me at margielempert at gmail dot com
Paired up with Jackie for the WOD – I used a blue band for kipping pullups and 2 ab mats for HSPU.We finished in 14:30. Fun WOD!
Margie I will email you, I am interested in sharing and your suggestion works great for me!
Noon w/ The Foxes
I did it solo (which was incorrect)
Ring Rows x60 (still injured)
Piked HPUs x50
Burpees x50
Squats x50
+ lap (bc I forgot to check the clock at this point)
26:00 (terrible)
Murph, here I come.
may 28 deadline to sign up for seasonal chicken-only share from herondale farm
i just found out that May 28 is the final day you can sign up for the chicken-only meat share if you want to be included in the June delivery. (the season is June-November.)
so hop to it! the price is $85 for 10 lbs/month of chicken, chicken parts, and chicken sausage.
Make up post from yesterday – 8:30pm with Whitney
Coming off an SFO-ORD-BOS vacation-work trip-turn right back around for an annoying Boston day trip thing, I was wiped before I even got to the gym. Started the cycle a few backs back going for 135 on snatches, and basically pressing it up above my head while sort of bending my knees. No good, so I dropped back for the last few weeks to really try and work on getting under the damn bar instead of muscling everything up. Yesterday, I am pleased to say I worked up to 135 again legitimately, so that felt nice. I had one miss, but I think it was just the shock of that weight above my head. It felt doable, so I reset myself and hit it.
High bar back squats ended at what felt like a very heavy 230x5x3. Pleased to be here. Felt like if I wasn't so tired/off my regular eating and exercise routine it wouldn't have been so bad.
For a cashout, I did 3 rounds of the kettlebell swings at 24kg, and 2.5 rounds of the planks with a 25lb plate on my back. Totally fried afterwards.
Very much looking forward to Monday already, even though I'm wondering how I'll ever get through 200 pushups.
Fun WOD this morning. Lots of ab accessory work too
Did the performance version – we finished in 16:22. MUs and HSPU felt pretty good. Totally blanking on my partner's name – James? Sorry – I'm terrible with names
Partnered with the amazing Courtney this afternoon at the noon class
We did the Rx'd version.
I completely forgot our time, all I know is that she did more handstand push-ups than me!! Amazing!
WOD Wx'd with Rickke in 9:46.
For once it was fun to keep up with him.
Fun 5:30 fitness WOD with partner Mike: I completely forgot to check our time on this. I did the pullups strict in sets of 5 (started to fail on the last set), then piked "HSPU." Went pretty fast (for me) on the burpees and squats. I didn't feel like I was going all-out at any point, but with all the accessory work I still feel pretty worked-out.
Make-up posts – Tuesday morning in the park with Michael's running club, then a medium intensity 4-mile run after work. Didn't get a lot of sleep this week so skipped class on Wednesday in favor of a DIY workout over lunch on Wednesday, which I hate doing but it's better than not working out. Wednesday I did a couple bear complexes, up to 95# which kind of sucked, then perfunctory 225x5x3 hbbs and 3×5 c2b pullups. Then I ate everything.
Got checked out by an orthopedist today and of course, it would be the day my shoulder mostly stops hurting. It's inflamed and I can still feel it as a weird ache, but nothing sharp anymore. David told me to pay attention to what makes it hurt more, and benching and pressing don't, so check. I'm backing off on overhead stuff for a bit to focus on my PT homework, which will also be focusing on my posture, surprise!
I was going to take tonight off but came in for 7:30. Did some yoga/AR/voodoo band/dislocate stuff before, then traded the WOD for a recovery HBBS at 95x6x5, renegade rows with 12.5#, lots of shoulder abduction with red band, and part of the cash-out. I love doing lifts like the HBBS at a light weight since I'm still figuring out how to arrange myself well and breathe, etc.
Also: I assassinated a roach the size of baby seal this afternoon (after Jenna told me it would indeed not asphyxiate under the large skillet cover I'd trapped it in). I think that fits in nicely with my CrossFit achievements.
Love that photo! I spy Malcolm, Laurel, Debbie, Gabrus, me, maybe Ash? McGrath? I'm on the bench writing in my notebook.
I loved the Lyceum. It was insane, but those windows were awesome.
As I recall it was a distinctly delicate and mellow piece of music they were playing.
Muscle Snatch
Power Snatch
Snatch DL