Fitness: Clean Halting Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 1-1-1, then Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk 75% x (1+1+1) x 2
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk in three attempts, then perform two singles of the complex at 75% of today’s best lift.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: 85% x 4 x 4, then 87.5% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets. You’re already pretty warmed up from the cleans, so get to work weight within 2-3 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
Post loads to comments.
Do you love cleaning as much as Coach Fox?
News and Notes
- Robyn O. posted a few weeks ago about her charity adventure Rickshaw Run in India. Her team finished in 41st place out of 60 rickshaws, and they blew past their fundraising goal of $3,500 for Made By Survivors and raised $6,108. The money will help build a new shelter for survivors of sex trafficking in Jalpaiguri. If you still want to help, head over here.
- Matthew E. posted recently about his fundraising efforts for the Vanguard Backpacking Program. They met their goal! With generous support from over 60 individuals, the program raised $5,104 and recently placed the order for backpacks, sleeping bags, and tents. Great work, Matthew and everyone who helped!
- Jared K. wants to let you know about an awesome Kickstarter for Barbell Apparel, which ends tomorrow. They’re going for a stretch goal of $750K, and they’re almost there! If your swol’ quads make buying jeans tough, check this project out!
- Hit all your mobility business today: Yoga with Whitney at 10am + Active Recovery at 11am with Coach DO + Active Recovery at 12pm again with Coach DO = so many opportunities for happy CrossFitters.
What Do I Need to Know for “Murph” on Monday?
“Murph” is a day where our community comes together to celebrate and honor our service men and women. Whether it’s by completing the workout, or cheering on a loved one, or just hanging out for the BBQ, all are welcome!
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups and squats however you’d like. Start and end with the run. If you’ve got a 20lb vest or body armor, wear it.
Wow, that sounds crazy! Will there be scaling options?
Yes, folks will be able to do 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 Murph to reduce the volume. Coaches will explain the scaling options before each heat. The scaling option for pull-ups are jumping pull-ups. Because of the number of people we expect, we will not be offering ring rows or banded pull-ups as a scaling option. The volume of jumping pull-ups will also be reduced.
You are expected to warm-up before your heat on your heat. A perfect warm-up would be some foam rolling or soft tissue work (here is a good mobility|wod) and some rowing or light jogging. If your ankles are tight, we suggest doing a calf smash on a kettlebell handle, too. Get loose and ready to go.
Ok, what time do we show up?
The gym will open at 7:15am and we will be starting the first heat exactly at 7:30am. We’ll be starting new heats of up to 25 people every 45 minutes and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you’d like so that you can warm up and do some movement prep.
The BBQ itself will start around 11am and will last until around 3pm. The gym will provide meat and beer. Members are encouraged to bring a salad, snacks, veggies or any additional sides/beverages to share. If you’re going to bring a something, please post it on the event page.
One Man’s Case for Jorts, and Durability Esquire
Can the Nervous System Be Hacked? NYT Magazine
That jorts article is just about the dumbest thing I've read. The whole angle is wrong! You don't buy jorts, you create them. FU, Esquire.
Is Murph starting at 7:30 or 8? The first heat on the sign up sheet lists 7:30 but today's post notes that it starts at 8. I'm signed up for the 2nd heat and want to make sure I arrive on time.
Yes if I've signed up for 9am heat will I be running at 930? (If first heat goes at 8?)
8am with David and Melissa
BOOM! New PR in Clean and Jerk at 200#. 185 felt really crisp and so I went to 195 which I have only hit once. That felt pretty crisp and quick too so I tried for the elusive 200 which I have failed at many times in the past. So glad I got to hit that weight before the cycle ended.
Apparently the key to a PR is to spend 5 days in Las Vegas doing terrible things to your body.
@Jude and @Mrav: Sorry for the confusion. I copy and pasted last year's info and didn't notice that there's an earlier heat this year. All fixed!
The jorts guru himself has spoken: thanks for saving me the time Fox, I'll skip that one!
11AM with McWhit. C&J: worked up to 135. Generally felt good. Of course I messed up my footwork on the rep that Whitney saw (but I swear the others were perfect).
Front Squat: 155 x5, 155×5, 155×4!! Failed on the last rep somewhat spectacularly. Almost broke the platform. Thankfully no one noticed. Just did not bounce out of the hole, got stuck and decided to bail instead of trying to muscle it up from a really bad position.
1 mile walk of shame with black sandbag (wanted to go heavier but couldn't find something in between the green and black sandbags). Looking forward to deadlifting tomorrow.
1pm group class
Power Clean and jerk
Worked up to 95kg
Missed the 100kg jerk twice
Adam scher and I alternated carrying each other around the block fireman carry style plus a 50lb DB in the free arm. Then I carried rosa plus the 45lb sandbag 135m
I love partner carries!!
Fun day
Noon O'clock class
Clean and Jerk
Bailed the first attempt at 249 on purpose when I felt that the bar was very off center. Missed the jerk on the second one and knocked my chin. Plates were all over the place. I should put clips on the bar past 220. 249 is a clean PR. I made 245 a few weeks ago (in the above photo) and missed the jerk then, too.
85% (235) x4x4
87.5% (240) x4
Racked the third set after three reps and knowing that I would have dumped the fourth. Wore a belt for the next 2 sets and made it through. Just awful, I hate front squats. So awful. Maybe I should just be like David and power clean?
Worked out solo at 2pm after the last group class. Hungry and a bit congested. David was kind enough to hang around, coach me, and take video of my heavy attempts.
Clean and Jerk:
83, 103, 123, 133, 143 (clean only, 5# PR!), 143 (clean only)
I hit 138 last week on the C&J, though the jerk was quite squirrelly. 133 went up nicely with solid footwork and position on the jerk, so I figured I'd just make another 10# jump and give it a go.
First clean at 143 was a fight on the way up, since I didn't bounce out of the bottom much. Got the jerk overhead, but was soft and elbows couldn't lock it out. The dip was a bit low and too slow. Upon video review, bar actually got plenty high so just needed to drop and PUNCH more. Second clean at 143 was a great pull and faster out of the hole. Kind of the same with the jerk, it was a bit out in front and just didn't punch it straight up.
Things to focus on next time: vertical dip (short and sweet); trusting that I can get the weight overhead: punch the bar to the ceiling.
FSQ: 95×5, 115×1, 120x5x3. good stuff.
C&J with Steph. These felt solid today. Waiting on the pull, keeping the bar close, I was able to minimize my hop forward with each attempt. Best C&J was 133#. I had been stuck at 128 for a while so this was exciting – 5# PR and did not feel difficult. Clean at 135#, not sure what I was thinking during the jerk but kind of gave up. Out of time. Very happy.
FSQ with Kate R and Alex. 125x4x4 moved really well. 130×4, then I bailed the 4th attempt in the next two sets and maybe the 3rd in the last? Not sure but I swear the first two-three reps felt great and the last couple were just plain impossible. Disappointing..
I missed the cash out. I still have never done a fireperson's carry and feel I'm missing out. However, active recovery which was particularly awesome today.
10am with McD and MeLo.
Coming off 2 days with almost no sleep (new baby!), I was worried today would be a mess, but the day ended up being really great. Hit a PR of 175# on the C&J, although I did a power clean and then a front squat. Felt good though so I look forward to doing 175# in proper form next time.
FSQ: 190x5x3. I worked at 195 last week and failed 3 reps, so I backed off to 190 this week and made it through all reps. I think I might have had 195 this week if I tried but I'm happy where I ended up.
Cash out – hauled the heavy green bag on this one. I was regretting it after the first lap but I managed to convince myself not to quit and made it through all 3.
9am with Melo
Clean and jerks, not my favorite movement. i'd love to be able to do this, but just need more mobility. So hitting 67 was sort of a pr for me. Although I'm sure I'm not pressed out at the top and i'm also convinced my back is way over extended because of my shoulder. So I don't usually go heavy on this because of fear.
Front squat – doing better on this. I hit 135 which is as heavy a front squat I've ever done at CFSBK. It was definitely a tough go on at this weight. In the 2nd set, 4th rep, I ended up on my toes and thought in my head "elbows in, hips up" (DO's guide on bailing) but I struggled through and made the rest of the reps.
Like Jay, I'm also looking forward to the Sunday deadlifts.
Did anyone see the NYTimes article in today's paper by Daniel Duane "Fitness Crazed"? He compares all the pseudo-scientific workouts (like P90x) to simple stuff like Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Guess which one worked for him?
link is here:®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&pgtype=article
Richard G.
Feeling crushed by Murph? Come get your myofascial release on! Email me for a special rate on massage this week for recovery. hours in soho on Thursday and Friday, and at SBK this weekend.