Four Heats of:
Tire Pull (4 Basketball Courts)
1 Lap around the Park
Established 2007
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Four Heats of:
Tire Pull (4 Basketball Courts)
1 Lap around the Park
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Four Rounds for Time of:
4 Agility patterns through cones
12 Jumping Pull-ups
20 Walking Lunges
12 Knee to Elbows
1 Lap around park
Fresh Air
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Four :30 Rounds of
Jumping Pull-ups
1 minute rest between each round, lowest reps on each round added for score.
We worked ring supports afterwards. Vinny needs to lock his arms out and push his shoulders down in order to develop his support.
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5 Round Circuit (:30 each)
Body Weight Rows
50m Sprint
PVC Thrusters
Add lowest # of reps/laps for total.
PVC Thrusters were pressed from behind the neck to enforce an "open chest" while squatting. Additionally, when novices press from behind they almost always lock out right in the frontal plane, not usually the case when the bars starts out in front.
Thank you to Jamie and Christina for coming ALL the way from the upper west side for CFSBK’s first class!!
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CFSBK officially got accepted as an affiliate, cleared insurance, paid our dues and can finally start holding classes!!
Our first class will be held on Wednesday, September 19th at 7am. For more information please check out the links under the "Getting Started" tab and don’t forget to tell all your friends!!!