For time:
75 Push-ups
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 50 reps
50 Ring Dips
40 pound Weighted Pull-ups, 30 reps
25 Handstand Push-ups
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We're going to stagger-start small heats of 2-3 athletes in this WOD. If you've got a stopwatch, please bring it. Here are some possible MODS:
A: 75 Push-Ups, B: 75 Modified Push-Ups, C: 75 Elevated Push-Ups
A: 95 lb. SDHP, B: 65 lb. SDHP
A: 50 Ring Dips, 50 Jumping Ring Dips, C: 50 Parallette Dips
A: 40 lb. wt. Pull-Ups, B: Decreased load or Bodyweight Pull-Ups C: Jumping Negatives
A: HSPU, B: Decreased ROM HSPUs (with stacked Abmats) C: Decline Push-Ups
Have a plan of attack on this WOD. If you're unsure of your rx'd loading parameters come early to get a feel of the loaded movements. Coaches will be on hand to assist you, obviously.
Anterior Bail/Posterior Bail
(dramatic face not necessary)
Check out the CFG website. There is a good likelihood that Jeremy Fisher will be representing CFSBK at the games this year!
Breakfast:3 Eggs, ~10 Raw Almonds, 1 Apple
Work:Warm-Up15 Squats, 15 Sit-ups, DROMs (x2)
WOD as rx’d25:48
Push-ups: EasySDHP: Really EasyDips: After 30 it got pretty hard. Lots of doubles and triplesPull-Ups: Much harder than expected, Followed a 2-2-1 rep scheme 6 times.HSPU: Not so bad, I may have done 30 by mistake. i lost count and decided to play it safe.
Not bad from an aerobic standpoint, the pull-ups and dips are to be feared. They ate up 3/4 of my time.
decent article on about how to best prepare some of those veggies
We don’t put those links up for the heck of it.
Check out the site. Leave a comment.
ok. the games. we got it.
ew Margie
OK the ZONE and Bacon I Got THAT. Enough.
What’s the recommendation for a zone book? “Mastering/Enter the Zone” seem like a good start; is there a clear winner between them?
I want to read the book this week and start the diet in earnest on Tuesday.
allison, i’m sorry but you can never have too much bacon
Adam – whichever is the most recent, I think. Also, there’s a shorter version called a Week in the Zone which is a good jump start. But the articles that David has posted on CFSBK are also adequate enough to get you going if you don’t want to spend $.
Allison – ok, I know my comment was short. It wasn’t entirely directed at you. It seems that suddenly the games are a Big Thing and I’m not really a fan of hype like that, so that was my personal irritation coming out. I certainly don’t mean to put a damper on your excitement. I apologize.
Mastering the Zone is the preferred literature. I would let you borrow my copy but it’s currently out on loan.
The Paleo Diet & Protein Power life plan are also recommended.
Let’s keep it friendly, ladies.
A week in the zone is a good short read. It is basically an expanded version of that article from the journal, it has all you need to know from a practical standpoint. If you want to get geekier and get deeper into it then Mastering the Zone is a good bet. All can be had very cheap on ebay (I think I paid $8 for all three books) mostly because fat people buy them and never use them.
Rarrr…. I’m just kidding Margie. I didn’t take it personally but why are you SO opposed to the Games? There actually isn’t a lot of hype over it which is why I’ve been trying to generate some.
Don’t be upset about the hype. People are excited about it for all sorts of reasons. I’m not really a fan of the competition. I think it’s not totally in line with the CrossFit feel of training for yourself. But I do understand that it adds a little extra motivation to have something to train for.
It’s going to be a BIG social event. I’m not trying to get you guys involved just so you’ll fly out there to beat OPT. I just want you guys to take full advantage of the community. It’s been great for me and I want you guys to have the same fun experiences.
I’ve gained so much from being able to meet people at the certs. I think the Games will be an opportunity for people to do that and have a ton of fun at the same time. What’s wrong with that?
It’s going to be 2 days of hanging out with cool CrossFitters from all over the place, watching some impressive feats of strength and generally just being in a really supportive motivating environment.
That’s all. I just want the best CrossFit experience for all of you. If the Games isn’t for you that’s cool. But lets try to be supportive of everyone else. It’s nice to be involved.
Jeremy – please do not disparage people like that.
Consider me properly admonished.
Tonight we’re going to review:
Sumo Deadlift High PullsKipping Dips and Hand Stand Push-ups.
Remember to bring a stopwatch if you’ve got one.
15:05 as RX’d
The pullups sucked everything else wasn’t so bad.
24 flatSDHP @ 65lbsJumping neg dipsAssisted pullups (thanks David!)Partial range HSPUs (3 abmats – should have used 2 for more ROM)
That was ok – very much about strength, not metcon. Pushups are frustrating since they are always the limiting factor in terms of time.
There was a lot of grunting going on at the Lyceum tonight. And I liked it.
Great to see Jay and Anthony back!
Andy, I’m so glad you got out from behind the camera and sweat! That was fantastic.
ugh. sorry for my bad english..
Did the row/burpee main site WOD of a few days ago tonight – 22:00 even. The eliptical automatons at the Fort Greene Crunch seemed either impressed or repulsed. Gotta love it. David – are we going to get into SDHPs in the Fundamentals Class? Tried this WOD and form on them was comically bad.
16:22, but highly modified after a point.The push-ups, SDHP and first 10 dips were rx’d, then it all fell apart.I should have taken considerably more time and tried to complete the dips as rx’d.
Allison! Don’t bad mouth us on the NYC site!
; )
75x Modified pushups on knees50x SDHP @ 45lbs5x Dips between boxes w/ feet on box45x Dips between boxes w/ feet on floor w/ full ROM5x jumping pullups on rope25x assisted negative pullups25 handstands (no push)Time: 21:20
Whoa. Icing my wrists now in hopes that I don’t wake up w/ sausage wrists!
We will hit SDHP’s before the end of this cycle. They’re one of the 9 basic movements in CF. Without any instruction they’re very easy to mangle up at high intensities.
uuuggg, not my favorite workout
26:3510 reg push ups, 65 modified25 SDHP @ 65, 25 @ 4550 jumping negative dips30 pull ups (mix of assisted and jumping – thanks Bethany and Jeremy)25 handstands (no push up)
definitely tweaked something in my left arm (possibly my deltoid?) during the push ups so then had to scale down the SDHPs after getting through half. definitely frustrating but made it through the wod.
feeling ok today, not great.
I feel megastiff today.
Where was AJ last night?
AJ is having personal issues to deal with. Lets just say that things are not going his way at the moment.
AJ is having personal issues to deal with. Lets just say that things are not going his way at the moment.
haha…. i’m doing pretty good today a little stiff and beat up from kung fu (throat punched and shin battered plus minor glove scrapes)
25:27push ups – rx’dSDHP – 75 lbs50 jumping negative dips30 jumping pull ups25 HSPU negatives
break fast today includes-green drink-fish oil pill3 egg omelete3 oz hamslice cheddar cheese1/2 green pepper1 shallot1 jumbo white asparagus
Zak – I’m impervious to guilt. I will, however, make sure I wear gloves next time I punch your throat. 😉
Here is a great clip of Melanie Roach (Olympic hopeful) snatching:
i’m not trying to guilt you! I’m just happy to work with some one that really throws punches… it’s the only way i know it’s working!
(it just makes me feel tough telling people i got punched in the throat)
I think I caught the DOMS from this workout!
75 push ups (I hate lactate…)50 SDHP @ 95lbs50 jumping ring dips30 jumping pullups25 handstands (no push)Time: 34:34
Special thanks to Zak, Bethany, Margie, Stephanie, Erik and all the others who cheered me through this ensemble of pain and insanity. I used to be a competitive athlete in several sports and thought I knew what high intensity means. But any other sport I’ve tried is kid’s stuff compared to CrossFit. I’ll stick with CF for sure.
The following morning I pampered myself by enjoying an excessive Dim Sum session with a special friend in Chinatown. I guess I really deserved it…
David and Jacinto belong to the most attentive and most inspiring coaches I’ve ever met in 15 years of being involved in sports.
It was a great pleasure and unique experience to meet all of you. I consider it a privilege that I was allowed to be a part of your community.
I’ll keep you informed about the documentary’s progress and I do really look forward to meeting you in fall again.