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compare to 1/1/09
Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT
Virtual Shoveling 10 reps, each side
Dips, 10 Reps
If 10 Strict Dips are easy for you, start to add weight via dumbbells or a weighted belt.
Jenna diligently tracks her numbers
In an effort to make classes run a little smoother and finish on time, we're going to formally partition sessions into three basic sections:
Warm-up/Soft Tissue 10-12 minutes
Max Effort 25-30 minutes
Metabolic Conditioning/Accessory work 15-20 minutes
In essence, it will be very similar to the way classes have been running with the exception that everyone will have a better understanding of how long they have to complete a particular section. Athletes are still encouraged to either come early or stay late as they please. Take advantage of open gym hours for additional soft tissue work, skill development or just to socialize!
Rev. Billy and The Church of Stop Shopping
All hail the King, Rodney Mullen 1984 Japan
Damien Hirst at the MET