Raise your hands if you like Kettlebell Swings. Sorry, Sam and John.
Tushar will be hosting a CrossFit Movie Screening at his apartment on Saturday, August 1st after classes. Please post to comments if you're interested in coming. It will be an informal potluck, Paleo snacks and beer would be appreciated.
The CrossFit Games are only 4 days away. Who are your picks to win?
Women: Gillian Mounsey!!!!!Men: Speal5 Events on the first day alone. holy shit.
Great class this morning.. Thursdays workout looks Hard.. No Spoilers!
Nice to get back in the Lyceum, I had temporarily forgotten about the humidity working out in an air conditioned space.
Push Jerks: coming along, but still not where I’d like them to be. I’m gonna find a video to watch in a bit.
Chris, John and I must’ve done like 10 sets.They were a great crew to work with.
45, 75, 95,105,115, 125, 120, 115, 95,95, 95, 95 or something like that. As we went up in weight, our form broke down so we scaled back down to 95 and worked on form.
As usual on these multi-movement lifts, I’m having a hard time coordinating all my movements (I bet you guys could tell I’m a HORRIBLE dancer) I’ll fix one thing and forget about something else. Nothing to do but keep working on it.
Afterwards played around with horizontal ring pullups 3×10, kipping pullups, and ring pushups.The kipping pullups have really come around and I feel great on them except for ripping hands.
Wednesdays workout is gonna be “fun” (no spoilers).
I’d like to put a tentative RSVP in for Tushar’s screening.
Dmak; per your comment yesterday: It’s easy to be motivated when so many people around you are working hard. We have an awesome community at the Lyceum everyday I’m inspired and motivated by seeing people so excited about their own personal health/fitness including you who did Murph while you were away.
As Im sure you know, these tough long workouts arent as fun alone. Its great to have the crew behind you pushing you and rooting you on.
Another long entry…I need to update the blog.
Like Shawn said up from 95 to 125 and back down to 95 as form deteriorated. Need to work on intensity. Good workout Shawn and John.
Then many sets of ring rowing, legit pull up soon…
Good crew this morning although it is getting so humid up there… funny how winter makes you forget that wall of air that is the lyceum.
i opted for the push jerks as well this morning cause i haven’t done em since February. I had left off with a 57×3 and a 65×2, so I was pretty excited to hit 67×3 and 72×1. I think I have 72×3 in me, it just wasn’t gonna be this morning.
As for the games, Gillian all the way for the women– men… i don’t know… i’m leaning towards Speal too, but i have a feeling there will be more competition there than with the women. should be fun to watch– wish i was gonna be there.
totally in for the movie on the 1st– it looks awesome.
Men: SpealWoman: Gillian
Women: GillianMen: No clue
ShawnS, Well said! I feel exactly the same way.Not sure what I’m doing today but it’ll include a Capoeira class.
I did Wednesday’s workout, heavily modified for the 8-months-pregnant among us. No spoilers! (Means it could include any of the following: things which include a risk of falling; things requiring you to lie on your back; very heavy weight-lifting; running.) Finished in 16:32, I think.
David O: thanks for the squat/pelvis instruction. It freaks me out that I can’t even feel the point at which my form degrades. Question: Is it always hamstrings that are the limiting factor, or could it be other muscles in the hips? Psoas, periformis? I don’t think of myself as being particularly tight in the hamstrings, more hips (also hip flexors).
David Mak: where are you taking capoeira??
Charlotte – I’m up in Brattleboro, VT. A friend goes and loves it, I have always been curious so…
David — Comment from yesterday ref the erg monitor; Not so much stoic as disgusted and disappointed I couldn’t do the workout I wanted!
I await wednesday’s wod with giddy anticipation.
Made it out of bed early so I could get to CF Gotham today.
Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1
Don’t recall having done ME squat cleans before. Should theoretically be able to move more weight than the MHPC (pr: 170) but the technique is much harder. Seems like I have trouble accelerating off of the ground, and then getting all the way under the bar into a solid squat is hard.
Or I can blame the STORM for my sore hamstrings.
Charlotte – I’m not exactly sure about what happened with your squat, but hips are a big part of the equation, especially making sure they are out of the way. If not, you have nowhere to go so your knees won’t track properly and you won’t be able to get down very low. I would think, what with the child-in-belly situation, that an extra wide stance with your toes pointed out at more extreme angle than normal would give you the room you need.
But, again, I’ve no idea what the trouble was, so I’m just shooting in the dark….