WOD 9.08.08
In this WOD each athlete starts at a station with the rx'd loads and performs max reps for thirty seconds. Each work interval is followed by one minute of rest and is repeated 6 times before moving on the the next exercise. Score is total reps completed.
Percentages are based on one rep max in each movement. If you've never done a 1RM on any one of these lifts but know your max for a higher rep range then This Calculator may help guide you.
65% Front Squat
65% Press
30% Weighted Pull-Up
Post Score to comments.
compare to 5.07.08
Accessory work:
Stretch/Foam Roll
Here are the official Fight Gone Bad Teams for Sept 27th!
Team A
Jacinto, David, Erik, Margie, Bjorn
Team B
Adam, Jeremy, John C, Sameer, Juliana
Team C
Brandy, Charmel, Rob, Amy, Ari
Team D
Mike, Kent, Paul S, Bethany Benzur, Allan Erskine
Team E
I would like each team to nominate a captain for the event. The captain will be responsible for organizing their athletes and equipment on game day as well as ensuring the destruction of all other teams.
There is still time left to sign up if you're interested in participating. Even if we don't get 5 more people everyone can compete and be eligible for prizes.
Prizes will be awarded to:
Top Male and Female athlete
Top Fund Raiser
Winning Team (in addition to bragging rights)
To date, CFSBK has raised $1,551.00 for charity! Check out the TEAM PAGE for more info.
WOD 9.07.08
Thruster 75/55 (reps)
Sumo deadlift high pull, 75/55 (reps)
Double Unders (reps) 10:1 Ratio for singles to doubles
Row (calories)
Sit-ups (reps)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Add your points and post them to comments.
Decided against a strict FGB until game day on the 27th. Todays WOD will be similar metabolically with some variance on the exercise selection.
Clean and Jerk
1-1-1-1 – 1-1-1-1
Split Jerks, 4 attempts with each leg forward.
Post loads to comments.
Accessory work:
Turkish Get Up something very heavy, a few times.
Weighted Hip Extensions 3 x 8