5 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95lbs
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
Charlotte and Linus
Warm-up By Dutch Lowy
"SNancy" by Megan CrossFit
Established 2007
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5 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95lbs
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
Charlotte and Linus
Warm-up By Dutch Lowy
"SNancy" by Megan CrossFit
Posted on
Tabata Mash-Up the following two movements
Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
Box Jumps, 24"
Post total reps for each movement to comments.
compare to 5.30.09
Suggested Back Off
Accessory Work
3+ Strict Pull-ups: Kip Practice
0-2 Strict Pull-ups: Ring Rows 2×8, Pull-ups 2×5
Nick (3rd from front) during the 2000 Games in Sydney
1 on 1 Rowing at South Brooklyn
CFSBK is now proud to offer private training on the Erg with our in-house Rowing Coach, Nick Peterson.
I can provide coaching to a full range of athletes – from someone who has never pulled a stroke, to a former collegiate rower. For all athletes, I will provide sound coaching of your rowing form. My goal is to help you row efficiently, with a relaxed, powerful stroke that you can sustain in any workout or competition scenario. I can also provide you with a workout schedule tailored to your needs, goals, technical skill, and fitness level. For the beginner, I'll provide a complete breakdown of the rowing stroke and coach you through achieving good form. I'll explain how to use the rowing machine, or erg, to track your performance and measure your progress. For the more advanced athlete, I'll focus on fine-tuning your stroke and developing more challenging workouts.
I rowed competitively for 13 years, starting in 9th grade at TC Williams High School (of "Remember the Titans" fame!) and culminating in the 2000 Olympic Games, where I raced in the men's quadruple sculls (7th place). I also competed at the 1998 and 1999 World Championships (men's quadruple sculls and men's double sculls, respectively), and won at the Royal Henley Regatta in the same events. I rowed at Harvard College, where I graduated in 1995.
For more information or to book a session, please email Nick(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Posted on
Happy Birthday, Coach Margie!!!
Best wishes to you from the entire South Brooklyn Community
We're ordering hand wraps from Rage Fitness. Please choose the wrap you would like and confirm your order here Thanks to Stephanie for making this handy doc!
Congratulations to Laurel and Vincent on getting their first muscle ups yesterday!
50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners Learn-gasm
Grass Flip Flops Neatorama
Scientists draw Squid using its own 150m year old ink Telegraph
Tactical Bacon lasts 10 years Gizmodo
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Post loads to comments.
compare to (5×3) 8.26.09, (5×1) 8.3.09
Accessory Work
Muscle-Up Skill Work
WU: 3 Rounds NFT of
20 Pulls on the Erg
20 PVC Sit-ups
:20 Iron Board Hold
Working Wounded. Bethany develops some pistol strength post 'Knife meets Foot' incident.
Tal is headed to Israel for 3 weeks, Bon Voyage!
We've got three new larger chalk buckets. When chalking up, try to keep your hands inside the bucket and avoid allowing excess to spill out onto the ground. If a WOD requires more chalk stations please ask a coach to set up another bucket, don't take part of a brick out for personal use.
Glad to see the Ergs getting plenty of use. When you're done with a rowing piece, always put the handle back towards the window as opposed to in the saddle. This puts less stress on the machine and makes for a happy erg.
In order to conserve tape and ensure that members have their own hand protection should they rip, we're putting in a bulk order for Gymnastics Grips. Please review the options and choose which grip you'd like to purchase. Prices range from $2-$12 and are well worth it. Post make and size to comments in order to reserve your pair.
Posted on
5 Rounds For time of
5 Deadlifts, 275
10 Burpees
Post time to comments.
compare to. 12.14.08
Accessory Work
Lever or Skin the Cat training
Levers: 5 sets of :10 Hold
Skin The Cats: 4 sets of 3 reps
WU: SDHP Practice at competition weights
Coping with Prostate Cancer NY Times Video