For Time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Post time to comments.
compare to 3.1.08
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
Felix doing a barbell complex
CFSBK at $14,570 for Fight Gone Bad
To date, CrossFit South Brooklyn has raised $14,570 for charity, more than double what we raised last year! I'd like to especially acknowledge Matt Ufford who has raised $6,671 through the Kissing Suzy Kolber blog where he is a contributor. Matt also won a pair of FGB IV Oakleys for being the top fund raiser internationally on 9/16. On top of this, our own Jim Ryan was the winner of the Home Stretch Challenge last Wednesday. He raised $520 and gets pair of FGB IV Oakleys too. Great work, guys!
Here are our top 5 fund raisers
1. Matt U: $6,671
2. Brian S: $985
3. Jim R: $915
4. Gerrit G: $703
5. Anne W: $545
Because of all this phenomenal fund raising, CrossFit South Brooklyn will be receiving a limited edition 24"x36" event poster and a 3'x3' vinyl banner from the good folks at Fight Gone Bad IV.
If your fund raising hasn't hit the floor running yet, why don't you spread some good karma by donating $10 to someone else from SBK? Click this link and search for South Brooklyn under "Team Name" to make your move.
Good luck to Coach Jeremy who will be competing in the middle weight division of the 2009 CrossFit Strongman Hybrid Fall Challenge