5 Sets Across
(E4/4) L1 Bar Dips/L2 Ring Dips
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compare to 2.17.10
Tabata Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
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Skill Work
Handstand Practice
Sledgehammer Swings 101
Gabrus does a Tabata Sledgehammer Swing
Check out Paul and Becca of Quist Industries on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer
March is CrossFit South Brooklyn Month at Lululemon Athetica Brookyn! Stay tuned as Whitney, Sam, Jessy and Christina convert their storefront to a CrossFit theme and have their Saturday classes invade CFSBK. Team Lululemon Brooklyn has been CrossFitting with us for 3 months now.
I’m bummed I may have to miss today.I might be more bummed that in since I want to make this up–I have 4:50 AM to make the 6 AM tomorrow. 🙁
Paulies face while becca is talking on that ABC clip is priceless.
375,000 per job! that’s fucking awesome.
yeah that face is awesome.
in case you don’t want to listen to some clueless economist blather on about how the economy is going to get better, and just want to see our lovely paul and becca:
interesting article showing how food purchased at walmart is cheaper and tastes indistinguishable from food from whole foods
I wish I had a stand-up desk at work…
Yesterday’s WOD stats:
Ring Dips: 5,6,6,6,5 (I started this cycle with 2,2,2,2,1)
Tabata DB Hang Squat Clean with 25 lb DBs: 40 reps. My shoulders were a bit fried so this felt awfully slow and heavy.
Paul’s expression in that vid clip is one for the ages. Frame it!
Ring Dips5 5 5 5 5These felt much better than the previous 2 exposures (hung out at 5s trying to focus on getting good reps). Hopefully will continue to practice this beyond this cycle
Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean30 lbs dumbbells6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4So, 4, I guess.
Sledgehammer3 rounds of 5 hits/side. Good times.
Bar dips: 9, 9, 9, 9, 13 (last set max reps).next exposure I’ll try ring dips.
bad hamstring so skipped hang squat clean. So Shane helped me work on my extra super duper sloppy kipping pull ups. Thanks for all of your coaching, Shane!
Bar dips: 1 set of 2, then 8-7-7-8 with a white band. I regressed from 5 sets of three since the cycle started, largely due to a fatigue/overuse shoulder injury.
Tabata mid-hang squat clean: 5 reps on every set with 25# dumbbells.
The sledghammer work was the tits. I’ll be doing a LOT more of that.
Bar dips: 8-8-8-8-8 with white band
Dumbbell Squat cleans, 15#6-6-5-5-5-5-5-5
I suck at sledgehammering. But I loved watching everybody’s “hammer face.” 2 rounds of 5 each side.
Non-workout announcement:
My friends from Michigan are playing at Union Hall this Friday night: The Hard Lessons. It’s $10 and doors are at 8 PM. They’re really good and I’m not just saying that because I know them. So, come out! Everyone who does gets a tequila shot from a plastic sombrero!http://www.unionhallny.com/calendar.php
Nino: You can do the same thing without buying a special desk. A Marine officer I knew raised his desk with cinder blocks. I don’t think I ever saw him sit down. Dude was INTENSE.
RE: yesterday’s discussion of 4-week cycles for specific movements…
I realize that David and our wonderful coaches know more about fitness than I likely ever will, so please take my dissent with a huge grain of salt, but: I would prefer a schedule that had more metcon and benchmark WODs. My work schedule can be demanding and erratic, so I can’t commit to more than three days a week, and even then it’s not usually the same three days every week.
With the new schedule the way it is, I find myself gravitating to the Sunday and Thursday WODs and devoting my other day at CFSBK to only one of the three movements.
Anyway, I’m not asking for any drastic changes — maybe only two specific movements per cycle and an extra metcon WOD per week? I just hate feeling like I’m missing out on entire MONTHS of instruction because I can’t do five classes a week.
7 ring dips across, although the last rep of the last set was a little wonky and I’m not sure I locked out on my right arm.
Tabata: 35lb – 5,5,5,5,4,5,4,5
I love swingin’ the sledge!
Lots of fun at SBK today!
Handstand practice was great. Being coached to move our hands brought a whole new and awesome aspect to this! I’m so excited to keep practicing!
Bar Dips: 5×6 white bandI start out really strong but then quickly fatigue and have to fight for my last two reps of each set. I had hoped to increase reps but it just wasn’t there for me. While these might not be in our next strength cycle, I do hope to see some dips in our accessory work!
And finally, SLEDGEHAMMER! Fun stuff. Since I was pretty sure I looked quite silly swinging the thing, I decided yelling would help complete the picture. Awesome!
Oh, and a 3×3 strict white band pullups too. Damn I want A strict pullup so bad!
Finally found my skill-set! Sledge!
Bar dips6 lowers6 white band6 lowers5 white band4 white band–missed them last week
Tabata rocked!7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6 = 47 25lbs.
We gotta start chalking targets on the tire… there was some wild swings going on!
Paulie! Snarf!
Back Squats(45×5, 95×5, 135×5 155×3)170x5x5
Ring Dips5x9
Sledge Hammer Swings.Handstand PracticeForgot about the Tabata.. happily
Bar dips: 4-4-4-4-4 no assitance. I don’t know if that qualifies me for ring dips. Maybe more like 6’s.
Dumbbell Squat cleans, 20lbs.6-6-5-6-5-5-5-5
I didn’t really get what the tabata timer sounds meant. Maybe I’m dense, I just went when Fox said go.
Good to work with Scott and Jess, I only get to work with Scott when he’s injured.
Did I purposefully forget about the Tabata Squat Cleans? First 3 rounds were 6’s and the rest were 5’s. This was a really hard movement to do Tabata-style. I feel like my form went to shit because I tried to focus on reps…not to mention being a little sore from the snatch work yesterday.
Ring Dips: 5×5! 😀
Tabata power cleans @20lb db (no fast squating on the recovering hip) something like 9 10 9 7 8 7 8… this was a lot easier without the full squat.
3×5 sledges, lots of fun. I think I must make ludicrous faces while doing that.
oh dips… we are totally in a fight right now.5×4, if you could call it that. it was more like 5×3-1 or 2-2 or 2-1-1
did 5×4 two weeks ago and they felt great. missed last week but was going to shoot for 5×5. after the first set of struggling for 4 i stayed there and had a really hard time with the remaining sets. oh well, there will be more dip dates.
passed on the tabata to make up the push press/run wod from the other day w/ Asta
push press @ 65#run 400m5 rounds15:09
awesome working with you Asta, awesome job! i am looking forward to (hopefully) more running wods in the new space!
a few sledge hammer throws, handstands to warm up, and then an AWESOME game of broomball in prospect park (4-1 win!)
Jess Fox – the pull up will come, possibly when you least expect it!
Loved the handstand practice. Got some great cues from Alan which I think will really change my handstand practice for the better.
Ring dips 5X4. Was able to get all the reps this time. Last time I thought 5 was in the bag and it went to crap.
Tabata DB Hang Squat Cleans with 35lbs. Damn those were heavy. Did 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4. So score was 4 but did 40 reps total. Need to get better at staying tall in the hang. Used way too much lower back.
I love sledge hammers. This was therapy for me after a rough week. Ended up doing 3 sets of 5 on each side and then a couple sets of 10 on each side. Then one just going back and forth for a while without paying attention to sets.
Foundations Class.Learned the Medicine Ball and did Death By Medicine Ball (or whatever the name is…)
Maxed out at 9 in 30 secs.Only caught it with my face once! Hooray!
WU: 1500m row
Handstand practice – definitely feel like I’m getting better at this – slowly, but nice to feel like I’m making progress.
Ring Dips:2 2 2 2 4 with lots of encouragement from David and Alan
Tabata DB Hang Squat Cleans20# dbs, 8x5form on the cleans still feels odd
Tabata DB hang squat cleans @ 20lb5-5-5-4-4-4-4-5
Ring dips – 5×7 white band
Sledgehammer – 1×5, holy suck! Would like to revisit that movement sometime when I’m feeling less spazzy because it looks like wicked stress relief when you can do it well.
Foundations WOD (actually I got this and the 2/17 WOD mixed up so this is actually for that day and the one posted on that day … whatever, I know what I mean)
7 dumbell squat thrusters (15lb weights, I think – I really have to do these posts sooner!)7 jumps onto 20 inch boxIn 12 minutes (I think), I did 10.5 sets.