Weighted Pull-Up
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compare to 5.23.09
Accessory Work
Tabata Sit-Ups
a: PVC b: Unanchored C: Anchored
Foam Roll
The Chocolate Milk Thistles v. Queen Anne's Revenge
Fight Gone Bad IV at CFSBK Sameer P
"Linus" goes up on CrossFit Mom
WOD 9.27.09
Fight Gone Bad 4
Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box jump (Reps)
Push-press (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point.
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compare to 6.19.09 and 9.27.09
Brooklyn Represented Hard this Year at Fight Gone Bad IV
Gym Fund raising Total: $26,826
Top Fund Raisers
1. Matt Ufford: $8,251 (Top Fund raiser in entire US and Canada)
2. JR McKechnie: $3,101
3. Jim Ryan: $1,490
4. Brian Scott: $1,355
5. Gerrit Gillis: $1,150
Top Females Rx'd
1. Nicole Shannon: 253
2. Anne Williams: 249
3. Charlotte Kaiser: 227
Top Males Rx'd
1. Nick Peterson: 355
2. Scott Lundhagen: 340
3. Dan Reshef: 338
Thanks to all the participants, volunteers, friends and family who made this year's fight even bigger and better than last year!
NYC Paint Ball
The Toxic Avenger Musical
HAIR The Musical
Rest Day
Fight Gone Bad Movement Standards
Concept 2 Rowing:
Range of Motion Standards: None
Wall Ball:
Range of Motion Standards: Squat below parallel, Medicine ball hits above bottom border of target.
Scaling Options:
Men's RX'd: 20lb ball, 10ft Target
Women's Rx'd 14lb ball, 10 ft Target
Additional Options: 10lb ball, 8 ft Target
Sumo Deadlift High Pull:
Range of Motion Standards: Both Bumpers on the floor, end at full knee and hip extension with the barbell at collar bone level and elbows above hands.
Scaling Options:
Men's RX'd: 75lbs
Women's Rx'd 55lbs
Additional Options: 45lbs
Box Jump:
Range of Motion Standards: Feet start on the floor, Jump or step onto box and end with full knee and hip extension above box
Scaling Options:
Men's and Women's RX'd: 20"
Additional Options: 15"
Push Press:
Range of Motion Standards: Barbell starts racked on shoulders, ends overhead with full elbow, hip and knee extensions, ear should be visible from profile view in front of the upper arm
Scaling Options:
Men's RX'd: 75lbs
Women's Rx'd 55lbs
Additional Options: 45lbs
Each competitor will be assigned a judge from a different team to count reps and police the range of motion standards. If you've got any special issues with a movement please be sure to communicate it to your judge before starting the event. Judges are expected to hold their athlete to the standards listed above and count reps out loud during each movement. If an athlete fails to hit any of the standards the judge will call "Foul". Fouls are not debatable, focus on hitting the next rep with full range of motion.
CrossFit Woman Fights off Attacker