Paulie S and Rip
Here are the following three movements for our upcoming cycle!
Squat Variant: Front Squat
Pull: Power Snatch
Upper Body: Push Jerk
Skill: Back Lever
Please note that we'll be holding three classes (Foundations, Strength and Brooklyn Tri Club) on Mondays at 8pm and will need the entire gym floor.
Check out Gabrus on CrossFit Football!
What goes on in the Friday night classes? Thursday’s WOD, Saturday’s WOD, or other?
Beast Paulie!
Sarah –
We will be changing Friday nights to open gym from 5:30-7:30. This will be a chance to make up anything you’ve missed during the week, or work on some skills. Come play with me!
Love the photos of Paul and Gabrus!! Badasses all around.
Yay open gym! Is that as of today?
Also, how tall is Rippetoe? Either there’s some crazy foreshortening going on in that photo or he’s half my size.
Open gym sounds awesome!
Is open gym closed at 730 or do you just have to get in by 730?
If you’d like to come in tonight for open gym tonight you can. You have to be done by 7:30. i will be there tonight and plan on leading warm-ups and getting everyone situated with their respective WODS at 530 and 630. If you want to come in and do your own thing please show up and consult with me what you plan on doing.
I want to see how a Friday OG works out. we’ll see.
@Charlotte I think that is some crazy perspective. I would be less worried about his height and more about his head size, which appears to be about 30% of Paulie’s by volume.
did you not know that rip was also a dwarf? That’s why he’s so strong!
Ill be there most Friday evenings, but I have to help my sister with something tonight and have a Bingo night at school next week 🙁
Sarah, Margie, David -I’ll be at “Open Gym” tonight for sure.
Great to see our stylish menfolk representing CFSBK!
it appears that after the DL paulie will then consume rip for time.
that perspective is pretty funky.
did the rowing wod today.
WUfoam roll goodnesshand stand practice
WOD8 Rounds of:Row 1:00Rest 1:001. 3002. 3053. 3044. 3035. 3016. 2997. 3038. 302
ACC wkpull up practice..c2bpush up practice.
missed more handstand practice. hopefully get some tomorrow.
I was hoping CF Football had used the “Blackout Drunk” pic.
Open Gym = awesome
Today’s MDA article is about P90x and crossfit with some interesting discussion in the posted responses.
today did the row fun
i lost my scores =(
So I ranged between 253 and 259. Hit 259 twice. Hit 260 for the last round. So here’s a guess
rowng WOD1. 2182. 2153. 2134. 2185. 2176. 2127. 2198. 212
Deadlift 5x3Warm up: 75×5 135×5 185×5 215x3Work: 255x3x2 235x3x3
Annie 11:43
Cool to see the Tri club in there. SBK comin’ up.
Also, y’all need to join Steph and I for the tough mudder. Put that training to use.
ok against my better judgement i am going to sign up for this team. i don’t see cf sbk listed as a team though. what do i do?
Warmup: 5 min row at 20s/m
Skill Work: Handstand practice! I’ve noticed so much improvement in this since we’ve started. Today I actually held a handstand and took 4 legit “steps”. It’s weird but I do better holding a handstand by myself than partner-assisted.
Yesterday’s Row WOD:1) 2462) 2453) 2464) 2455) 2476) 2467) 2458) 246
Very consistent, huh? I really liked this WOD. Not in the badass metcon way, but in the I just became a more conscious rower way. Does that make sense?
Bonus WOD: AMRAP in 10 mins of: 30 Double Unders/ 10 Kettlebell swings-7 rounds plus 9 double unders. @ 1.5 pood.
Good stuff. Steph P. is an awesome partner to WOD with. Except when she shows off her pullups post-WODs. 😉
sameer – i’m going to create the SBK team – i will post info once i do it.
it was nice to be back in the gym after taking a step back this week. made up two wods
8x1min row256256254254251252249253
definitely keeping the 20 stroke rating made this a different type of challenge
then did AMRAP in 10 minutes30 DUs10 KB swings (1 pood, russian swings)
5 rounds, 11 DUs
sheesh. doubles suck! my first rounds were a mix of 3,1,2… later rounds i was able to string 10+ together
fun working with the you jess! i’m jealous of your DUs! you are SO CLOSE to those pull ups – it took me a long time – just keep at it!