Handstand Push-Ups
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If you've got handstand push-ups, use some thick text books to elevate your hands thus increasing your range of motion. Find a challenging height and perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions.
If you struggle with Handstand Push-ups, use some thick text books and a towel to elevate the floor between your hands thus decreasing your range of motion. Perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions. If you can't press out, simply focus on a controlled descent and kick down to the floor at the bottom of each rep. Don't lose the tension in your arms.
If handstand push-ups seem worlds away and you struggle with regular push-ups, work on these today. Instead of modifying by going to your knees, elevate your hands with text books, a table (make sure it's sturdy) or even a wall. Choose a height that makes these challenging and perform a 5×5 with strict form. If this seems too easy, you can also elevate your feet making the standard push-up more challenging. Beforehand, work some handstand holds against a wall. 5 sets of :20 holds.
Perform a light jog. Throw in some backwards running, lateral shuffles and bear crawls.
You can also do yesterday's warm-up if you didn't do it already.
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