(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Assistance Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
Overhead Walking Lunges, 20 Steps
Russian Twist, 20 Taps
Power Snatch Demo
Although CFSBK is now open 7 days a week, we're still going to follow our 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off programming template. Tuesdays and Fridays will still be posted Rest Days and programming will follow the previous or upcoming days workout.
Our "Unlimited Membership" is now a "5 classes per week" membership. We don't want to see anyone overtraining 6 or 7 days per week.
The focus exercises for this cycle are as follows:
Squat Variant
High Bar Back Squats
Day: Saturdays
Level 2: 5×5, 5×5, 5×3, 5×1
Level 1: 5×5 across for all 4 exposures, increase 5-10 lbs each week
Power Snatch
Day: Mondays
Level 2: 5×3, 5×3, 5×1, 5×1
Level 1: 5×3 across for all 4 exposures, increase 5 lbs each week
Upper Body
Ring Dips
Day: Wednesday
Level 2: 5 sets across of +1 rep every week. Keep rest periods under 2 minutes.
Level 1: Ring Supports and 5×3's with decreasing assistance each week.
As usual, if you'll be missing any exposures, it's your responsibility to come in early or stay late if you'd like to make up a lift. If you're training with us 2x per week, we recommend focusing on the Squat Variant.