(E5/8) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 8.4.10
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
If you can't perform a "2-fer-1", substitute a standard Wall Ball shot. If you can't do a double under, perform 150 single-unders per round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
WOD Demo
Kate B's "2-fer-1" Rope Climbs
Happy Birthday, Tamar A!
What's coming up at CFSBK?
8.16.10 August Foundations Starts
Our next batch of CrossFitters will start (or continue) their fitness journey at CFSBK. Register Here!
9.4.10 Robb Wolf Nutrition Seminar
Author of the much anticipated book, "The Paleo Solution" as well as his blog and podcast, Robb Wolf stops by for his 3rd visit to CFSBK to talk Nutrition. Register for the seminar here
9.5.10 Malcolm and Laurel's Wedding Party
Malcolm and Laurel are getting hitched! The after party is at CFSBK complete with tequila and ice cream. All are invited! RSVP Here
9.25.10 Fight Gone Bad 5!
For the third year in a row we are participating in the FGB fundraiser to benefit the Wounded Warrior Foundations and Prostate Cancer Foundation. Last year we raised over $27K, we're going to need everyone's help to try and beat that! Register Here
8.2.10 Brutal Recess with Chip Conrad
Our buddy Chip Conrad comes out to Brooklyn for some Brutal Recess. What's Brutal Recess? Watch this
Short class for me today. Shorty but a goody. Thanks Shane.
LBBSQ 5-5-5 at 110#Felt totally doable. I smell PR in the future.
Bummed to miss out on today’s action!
Question for Park Slope Food Coop droids: can anyone swap shifts with me? I’ve posted on the Coop’s site, but there are no takers. I do Maintenance, which is a two-hour shift. My regular shift is 6:00-8:00 PM this coming Tuesday, the 10th. I can do early AM or 6:00 PM onward weekdays. I can also do this Sunday evening and next Sunday evening. If you’re interested please email me at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. Thanks!
LBBS(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 110×1)120x5x3
WOD14:42DUs were u g l y. They turned into “attempts” for round 3. Ugh. They always break down in a workout situation. Must. Practice. More.Wallball @10lbs. about 1/3 to 1/2 were 2-for-1 or, at least, 1.5-for-1.
Paulie got a shoutout on robbwolf.comhis vid of 540 is up.
170x3x5 – Felt good today. Coming off a 1 hr session with Alec. Must’ve helped.
WOD 14# 2fers – 11:40. Made one error on DUs. Rest were unbroken. Tough timing the new movement.
Thanks for the help Shane and David. I feel energized!
missed the 8am today. brought the kids to 11am. thanks to everyone who helped babysit.
WUeasy row while the rest ran the blockdromsfoam roll, samson stretch action
LBBSQgood lifting with ryan.(45×5 135×5 185×5)235x5x3
WOD14:57 rx’dcouldn’t cycle the wb’s at all. practice needed big time.du’s were fine until the 3rd round where my leg tightened up.
a good one.
Back Squats:
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
Work: 185x5x3
Accessory WOD: Shoot, I done forgot my time. I think it was 17 summat. Whatever it was I sucked at this WOD. I found it hard to cycle the 2-fers initially, and then, finally gave up, and just did singles for the next two rounds with the new 15lb and then a 14lb. Miserable.
aw! thanks for the birthday shout-out! (ps — it’s officially rory’s birthday too!)
Warm-Upabout 20 minutes of foam rolling and stretching
For Time:Run 1 Mile (7:44)Row 2K (8.29.9)Run 1 Mile (8:52)
Not thrilled about any of my times but still felt like I put out a decent effort. I would estimate that I was working at about 80-85% of maximal intensity throughout the entire workout. I’m not very good at pacing runs so I was unclear how hard to push it. There was no strategy to the row, I kept it between 2:00-2:10 the entire time. The hardest part was getting off the erg and starting the next mile. As a side note, i did this workout without music which i really enjoyed. Lots of ‘Me’ time.
Good times.
squats45x5/95×5/135×3/185x1then 205x5x3
brutality14#, singles (150)19:40-something
ack – what happened to my double unders
Missing y’all (we’re in Kentucky!).Continuing with our yoga-on-the-road 30 day challange (holla for flexibility). Also did 3 rounds of 25 push ups and 40 squats.
Whats a 2 fer 1 wallball?
rest day.
no, really.
Belated post:
Bsq 185×5, 195x5x2
squats felt good, but then came the accessory wod, which I finished in the ridiculous time of 29:36. I really thought I wouldn’t be able to finish, double unders just weren’t happening at all and the 2fers were killer, even with a 10 lb ball. Thanks to Ash and Charmel for getting me through it.